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ONCE WE ARRIVED TO THE HOUSE I STARTED TO GET MY THINGS OUT OF THE CAR. George had told me that I didn't have to but I insisted on helping. When we walked up the steps Lee had rode past us on his skateboard.

Danny was sitting down, reading something. "Danny!" I yelled as I ran up to him and jumped on top of him and gave him a hug.

"Alright. Alright. I've missed you, too. Now get off of me, J." Danny laughed as I got off of him. "Good to finally see you, Danny. We will definitely have to hang out soon. Once Jackie and I get settled in." I told him.

"We will have to do that then. Well, I'll let you get back to it. You guys have a lot of stuff." He chuckled.

"Trust me. I don't own a lot of things. Most of that is Jackie's." I laughed heartedly. Jackie overheard me and slapped me on the arm as I laughed.

"Well, I'll leave you alone then. See you later, Danny."

"See you."

I grabbed my suitcase and walked into the house with Jackie. I knew exactly where our room was. She stopped in front of the living room, so I did too. Benny had ran through the living room as George, Katherine, Jackie and I had walked through the door.

"Benny, quit running in the house!" George had told him. I quietly laughed.

"I'm not running!" He defied George.

"Oh, hey guys. Meet Jackie and you know Janie, of course." George introduced us to Alex and Isaac.

Alex slowly got up to meet Jackie. It had looked like he loved her at first sight. It did hurt me slightly but I knew I was over and I needed to keep it that way. They would look cute together though.

Isaac got up quickly and engulfed me in a hug. He might be my favorite one out of all of them. He's a Garcia, my favorite Garcia. I've always told him not to tell Lee but he always brags to Lee about it.

"It's been forever since I've seen you, Katie." He started to sway us back and forth. (Her full name is Janie Kate Howard) I was very happy to see him.

I laughed as I swayed back, "it's good to finally see you. Just wish it wasn't under these circumstances. Seems like I've been saying those words a lot." I let out a dry laugh as we both pulled back.

"Hey," he put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me, "it'll get better. Don't worry. It always will. It might just take a while." He gave me a small smile as I thanked him.

Jackie and Alex shook hands as I started to go up the stairs with my bags. Alex went to go get the others. Once I put my bags on my bed (we'll pretend the room is a little bigger for two beds) and then one of Jackie's bags on hers, I walked down the stairs I saw Jackie talking with Will. Aka William.

"Will!" I yelled out as I broke into a sprint and ran into his arms.

He started to laugh, "Hey, shortstack, it's been a while. How have you been lately?" He asked me with genuine concern.

I gave him a small smile, "I've been better, but now that I'm here, im sure I'll feel a lot better. It's what—-they would want." I wasn't quite able to say their names yet. I had still blamed myself for their accident. I had basically begged Lucy to come to that party.

"Well, I'm glad to have you back here, shortie." He smiled down at me as we pulled away. "Oh, and by the way. Mom had to go to work. They called her in."

"Okay, that's fine."

George had told Jackie and I that if we needed him that we could just find him. Not a second later Lee had started to skate in with his skate board.

Colorado and sweet cheeks // COLE WALTERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ