Chapter IX: Interlude

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Rowan didn't talk to her uncles as she came back for the night. She wrapped herself in the memories of that morning: the soft light of twilight, the onyx sea, Charlie's soulful blue eyes and her mysterious sorrow; all that and more replayed over and over like a broken record in her mind.

It was exhilarating, to have been well and truly alone with someone. To forget, for but a moment, the circumstances of her arrival. To step into a magical world where all which existed, all that had mattered were herself, Charlie, and the moment they shared.
Even now the memories comforted her, protected her like a cherished blanket: they muffled her dread, her shame, her fear; painted reality in softer and warmer colours.

Deep below the loveliness of it all something stirred.
More than Rowan had ever wanted anything, she craved that comfort. It was a desperate, morbid desire that snaked around the edge of her consciousness and slowly begun weaving its coils around her.

She needed to see Charlie again.

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