Ice cold hearts

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As the contestants dispersed from the entrance area, Malik, fueled by curiosity, decided to embark on an exploratory journey across the island. The lush surroundings and mysterious pathways beckoned him to uncover the secrets that the island held.

As Malik delved deeper into the foliage, he unexpectedly crossed paths with his newfound teammate, Jamal. Spotting Jamal jogging to maintain his fitness, Malik seized the opportunity to make a connection. "Hey, Jamal! Over here!" he called out, waving to get Jamal's attention.

Jamal, acknowledging the call, altered his course and approached Malik with a friendly demeanor. The two teens found themselves in a spontaneous exchange, discussing their initial impressions of the island and the unique challenges that awaited them.

As Malik and Jamal engaged in conversation, Malik couldn't help but express his concerns about the team dynamics. "These teams seem a bit... unfair, don't they? I mean don't get me wrong, the other team sucks too but our is ehhh…" he remarked, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

However, Jamal, ever the optimistic explorer, responded with a seasoned perspective. "You can't think like that, Malik. In my experience as an explorer, I've had to work with all sorts of people. Sure, some might be difficult, but that's part of the challenge. We'll figure it out together."

The exchange highlighted the contrasting viewpoints of the two teammates.

As the conversation between Malik and Jamal continued, the topic shifted to the new hosts overseeing Time Turmoil. Wondering if any of them would inherit the infamous sadism of the og host, Chris McLean, the two boys speculated on the potential twists and challenges awaiting them.

"Imagine if one of them turns out to be like Chris, throwing us into crazy challenges just for laughs," Malik mused, a mix of excitement and apprehension in his tone.

Jamal, with a knowing smile, dropped a surprising piece of information. "You know, I actually heard Christina, the chick? is apparently Chris McLean's daughter." Malik's eyes widened in shock as he processed the unexpected revelation. "How the hell did you find that out?" he asked.

Jamal shrugged casually. "Some super fan leaked the info. You know how the internet is. But hey, it adds a whole new layer of intrigue, don't you think?" The duo continued their stroll through the island, their minds buzzing with the possibilities and mysteries that awaited them in the competition.

Malik mumbles "Chris, Christina, Chris." , processing the revelation about Christina being Chris McLean's daughter, couldn't help but let out a deadpan remark. "Of course, Chris would name his own kid after himself. Classic Chris move," he deadpanned, a mix of amusement and resignation in his tone.

Jamal, catching onto Malik's dry humor, chuckled in agreement. "Wouldn't expect anything less from the guy who put teenagers through all those crazy challenges. Like father, like daughter, I guess."

The two contestants shared a moment of laughter, finding humor in the absurdity of the situation.

In a rare moment of sincerity, Malik extended a small olive branch of friendship to Jamal. "Hey, how about we stick together, look out for each other at least until the merge? What do you say?" Malik proposed, his words carrying a genuine intent.

Jamal, not one to dive into commitments lightly, shrugged nonchalantly. Before he could respond, their attention was abruptly diverted by an unexpected sight – snow, in the middle of what was supposed to be summer. The anomaly hung in the air, momentarily overshadowing the budding camaraderie between Malik and Jamal.

A shared glance between the two contestants hinted at the impending challenges that defied the logic of the seasons.

"Huh well that's not weird at all. Snow in the middle of summer. Just good ol Canada." Jamal rolls his eyes sarcastically

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