3 fandoms... and counting

7 0 1

I never found Series that interesting, or book volumes.

Videogames however

Are cool.

So I got Sploon 2

Then I found the books

Then I found smgsmsysbeksysb4

But wait, I forgot to tell you.

Before that, undertale.


A story about lesbians and a skeleton with an unhealthy spaghetti addiction that somehow made the game a dating sim for a minute or two

A funny skeleton who wouldn't stop making fucking jokes.

More dad jokes than my dad ever told me, man-

And his brother, who was 15 times taller than him but whatever. 

His attempts were so pitiful he was cute, like a 5 year old.

But who could forget

Our favorite Goat mom, Toriel

 And just before that, the fucking shitty asshole bitch, such a prick, FLOWEY

Fuck you, go underneath some lawnmowers.

And Undyne the Undying 

:) This ⬆️ is motivation.

And her girlfriend...


*Windows shutting down sfx*

Oh yeah


Oh and I guess asgore 

Anyway, who needs Deltarune when you have Undertale.

Said no one ever, anyways, y'alls opinions on this game?

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