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Seven charges, including human trafficking, sexual abuse, slavery, physical abuse, threats, and others, the defendant Park Seo-joon convicted all guilty to all charges and will be prisoned thirty years in prison.

Minji wasn't very keen on the result. She really wished for that old prick to be prisoned for his entire life and die in the bars, but Liz had told her that thirty years is long enough for a fifty-nine years old man like Park.

In thirty years, he probably became so old. He might even have some disease and probably died before his serving ends.

At least that would put Hanni into deep ease, and Liz's father, the lawyer in charge, had done his best to pinpoint every evil in the ex-dean.

When Hanni turned her body around inside the court, facing Minji, her mouth turned into a wide, happy smile. Minji, being swayed by the girl's charm, can not help but smile for a second before she turns her head away in embarrassment.


The Kim had given Hanni and her mother a new home. Small apartment that could let the family live, away from the horrible memories back in Busan.

Hanni has her freedom now, which means Minji rarely got to meet the younger girl after the incident went to an end.

Minji is being honest with herself. Almost every day, she would tell Hanni how much she missed her. Both busy with their own studies and projects, no one disagree.

There is no more importance for them to meet that regular like before. Despite knowing how fate will roll onto their life, Minji want to let Hanni feel how freedom actually feels like.

How a college student daily lives going on, like any other normal students. Without threat of harm, without harassment, without pressure.

Finally, Hanni can be her own self.

The two girls would sometimes run into each other since they are from the same building, but they could only exchange smiles and mind signals, which Karina could hear every time.

Sometimes, it was an 'I miss you too'.

Sometimes, it was a 'take care'.

Sometimes, it was a 'good luck'.

Sometimes, they would brush their hands together just to feel that tinge of happiness for a short second.

It keep going on like that for a month, until their final presentation is done, which both of them supressed their happiness inside their text, couldn't wait to hang out together after being busy for a really long time.

Saturday morning, Minji had promised the younger girl that she would take her for a drive. Probably having some lunch or dinner together through the day.

Winter literally doesn't care if Minji wants to have her time for the whole day. Truth to be speaking, she missed the older girl too as much as Minji did.

When Minji parked her car infront of that tiny apartment building, her face immediately turns to sunshine the moment she saw Hanni came out of the elevator, running towards her car with her tiny smile flashed on her face.

Minji could hear how Hanni happily said, "It's Minji!" The moment she saw the car.

As Hanni opened the door, taking her seat beside the driver, Minji immediately held one of the girl's hands possessively to pull her closer, only to plant a quick peck on Hanni's puffy cheek. The latter face formed into a shy smile.

"Hi, Hanni. How have you been?", Minji asked.

"Pretty good. You asked me that question every day in our text, Min", the younger girl giggled happily, and Minji just answered her with a big smile.

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