Chapter 4

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You awoke, prepared to meet the cold prince once more. Yet, the moment you rose from bed, a sharp pain pierced through your head.

"Huh...that's weird...oh well!"

Must have been something you ate yesterday. Anyway, you shrugged it off after all, what's the worst that can happen?

The more you got ready, the more the intense pain ramped up. Ears ringing, vision going felt like hell. You had this urge to yank your brain out, get rid of the source of agony, but you held it together.

Every step sent shockwaves through your body, but being the resilient person you are, you pushed through and made it out of your dorm room!

You just wanted to crash into your soft, silky pillows and hibernate forever, but hey, there's a prince to greet, and nothing's gonna stand in your way.

Perhaps you spoke too soon...

The courtyard was the last thing you glimpsed before everything faded to black, and you hit the floor, unconscious.

Is this where it all ends..?

It was another regular day for Prince Shintarou, dodging people left and right on his way to the student council room.

Everyone was just so irritating today. Even his only robot companions, Pepper and Honda, decided to shut down at the last minute! Could his day get any worse?

"I just have to wait until classes end..."

He let out a big sigh and started punching in the pincode for the student council room. But there was something missing... odd, he had this feeling that something was supposed to happen right about now.

Oh, right! How could he forget that silly look you always gave him when you greeted him? But right now, you were nowhere to be seen. He should've been relieved that you finally stopped showing up, but deep down, he was worried, anxious even. You never missed a single greeting...what happened to you?

Absolutely not! You're just a regular commoner! Why should he even care? His hands lingered over the pincode machine, contemplating his next move. And at that moment that one of your classmates strolled by him.

Even though he wasn't too keen on it, he decided to go up to your classmate. It was rare for him to make the first move instead of waiting for others.

"Where is she? That annoying girl who always greets me outside of the student council room every day."

He asked about your whereabouts with a touch of concern in his voice...fingers crossed that nobody catches on.

Your classmate was utterly shocked when the Japanese prince approached him, asking about your whereabouts. Without hesitation, he immediately confessed.

"Oh her? She fainted this morning! Some of us, including me, stumbled upon her in the school courtyard, and now she's resting in the nurse's office."

He went quiet, pondering your classmate's words.

"Fainted? Why did she faint?"

His tone laced with curiosity and a touch of concern.

Your classmate continued on, saying,

"I'm not sure, but the nurse mentioned-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Prince Shintarou bolted straight for the nurse's office, leaving your bewildered classmate startled.

Prince Shintarou couldn't figure out what had come over him. First, he approached someone to ask about you, and now he's hurrying to find you... maybe you've somehow grown on him.

He couldn't wrap his head around this sensation...the need to see you, the happiness that only surfaces when he's around you a feeling he usually gets when around his robots. Maybe you're secretly a robot? Of course not, but he had to ask you about it...

He just wanted this feeling to fade away...

You finally woke up, discovering yourself on one of the beds in the nurse's office. What happened? More importantly, you haven't even greeted Prince Shintarou yet!


Just as you were gearing up to defy the nurse's orders and dash out to find the prince, someone burst into the office, making you flinch.

Your eyes widened...and there, in the doorway, stood none other than Prince Shintarou! The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

You quickly shouted as if addressing an auditorium without a microphone,

"Good morning, Prince Shintarou!"

Prince Shintarou stayed silent, ignoring your greeting before casually asking,

"Are you alright?"

If it weren't for his nonchalant tone, you might have thought he genuinely cared.

"Oh, I'm fine! I just landed on my butt, so that's the only thing that's hurting at the moment!"

You replied with a cheerful tone.

The prince grimaced. Despite passing out, your overenthusiastic nature hadn't waned. However, he wasn't here for small talk. He was here to figure out this complex feeling...and hopefully get rid of it.

He quickly stated,

"Why do you bother with greeting me every morning?"

This left you puzzled. Does he really not appreciate these greetings?

"Huh..? I mean, I was worried I couldn't greet you today after fainting-"

Before you could finish, he cut you off, resuming with his earlier statement.

"You keep greeting me every single day for no reason, there's no benefit for you to do so."

At this point his once cold and indifferent tone had shifted to a more serious one as he addressed you. He sounded stern and slightly annoyed.

Now, you were SERIOUSLY baffled. You didn't greet him expecting something in return, so you replied,

"I don't greet you because I expect something in return... I just want to greet you. Is that so wrong?"

"Well, stop. Don't think that I look forward to your greetings. They mean nothing to me."

Ouch. His words hit you like a truck. But hold on...if he doesn't look forward to them, why did he rush to come see you?

"Wait then- why did you come see me..?"

Confused, you tilted your head, trying to make sense of his words.

His face flushed. The once cold and composed prince was now blushing profusely as he awkwardly denied the claim.

"I-I just wanted to ask you a question, that's all! Don't overthink it! I didn't come here because I was worried..."

You chuckled softly, teasing him.

"Oh? So you want me to stop greeting you, is that it?"

Trying not to burst into laughter, you eagerly awaited his response.

"I didn't say that and you should rest for now. I'm off to class now."

He casually remarked, making his way out of the room.

He paused and looked back, glancing at your serene form sprawled on the bed, eyes shut. A grin tugged at his lips as he whispered softly,

"Good morning to you too."

Anticipating tomorrow's familiar greeting and your infectious smile, he couldn't deny that the thought lifted his spirits maybe he couldn't shake off the feeling whenever he was around you, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all...

Maybe you aren't so bad after all...
(I honestly forgot to publish this sorry y'all 🙏 HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY IT!!)

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