Chapter 5

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How did it lead to this...? You're sitting on the floor, books scattered around, with Prince Shintarou looking down at you, silently judging your pathetic state.

Well before you found yourself in this awkward predicament, your day was going just fine until...


The obnoxious sound jolted you awake, and you couldn't help but curse your alarm for disturbing your sweet dream. It wouldn't be shocking if, at that moment, you decided to smash it with a hammer. Yet, it's become a routine by now. Wake up, get ready, exchange greetings with Prince Shintarou and of course...

Head to the bookstore after class to buy
another book for your binge reading session!

That's right! You actually have a life besides greeting the Prince of Japan. Books have been your solace since childhood. With mere words, your imagination runs wild, conjuring up scenarios tailored to your liking. That's why, when it comes to passing time, they are your go to choice, far surpassing movies or shows.

After devouring your recent book collection five times, you figured it was time for a new book! The anticipation buzzed within you as you made your way to the student council room, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the enigmatic cold prince.

Prince Shintarou, as usual, strolled to the student council room, and of course you were standing right outside.

"Good morning Prince Shintarou!"

And there it was. The upbeat greeting he dreaded, but you simply smiled, waiting his reply.

"Good morning..."

His tone was colder than usual but that didn't bother you. All that mattered was snagging a new set of books after school. Their fresh, woody scent was always soothing to your nerves.

"Alright I should head back to class now. Bye Prince Shintarou!"

I exclaimed cheerfully

Prince Shintarou looked at you with confusion. Typically, he was the one urging you to return to class, yet now, you were doing so willingly.

But he paid no mind to it and entered the student council room.

Class is finally over! You thought it would never end. It's time to hit the bookstore before drowning in piles of homework back at your dorm room.

You quickly grabbed your belongings before dashing out of the school gates into the bustling streets.

The clamor of the crowded streets was something you truly despised. If given a choice, you'd opt for a world where it's just you and your thoughts.

But everything changed the moment you entered the bookstore. The soft, melancholic tune playing from the speakers instantly enveloped you, providing a comforting ambiance. This was truly your happy place...

Strolling through rows of shelves filled with books of various genres, you couldn't help but admire them. I mean, who could possibly hate books?! As you explored, you tried to seek out a captivating read to purchase.

You eventually halted in front of a shelf, and there it was, right at eye level a romance book with a captivating title. You knew instantly that this would be your next read.

Could this moment get any more perfect? You pulled the book from the shelf, ready to head to the counter but suddenly...


A sudden shout escaped you as you spotted...Prince Shintarou on the other side of the shelf. What on earth was he doing here?!

Prince Shintarou gazed at you in shock, clearly not expecting to find you in this unexpected location.

His unexpected presence jolted you, causing you to stumble back into the bookshelf resulting in a clumsy fall to the floor.

The books on the shelf toppled over, landing on your head. And that's how this whole situation began...

Sitting on the floor, you clutched your head in pain, books scattered around you, as a judgmental prince rushed over to check on your well-being.

Prince Shintarou was unsure of what compelled him to rush over to you. And the idea of extending a helping hand crossed his mind momentarily, almost forgetting his aversion to physical contact, yet he held back.

"Are you alright?"

He said in a flat, monotone voice.

"Yeah I'm fine I- wait...what are you doing here?!"

For a moment, you almost forgot what had happened a few seconds ago as you awaited a response to your question.

"To buy books...? It's a bookstore is it not?"

He scoffed in annoyance, clearly unimpressed by your foolish question.

"Yeah, I get that, but what about you? What exactly brings YOU here? I thought royalty wouldn't dare go out in public!"

You exclaimed a bit too loudly.

"That's what commoners like you think! I personally like browsing the books here."

He used to swing by this bookstore, checking out the newly added books the routine was always the same. Pick a book, make a purchase, then head out. However, witnessing the unexpected scene unfold before him, with you stumbling over, amused him...

But of course, he kept a poker face...

It was definitely surprising to him that he bumped into you outside of school at this unknown little bookstore, but he felt relieved that at least you shared something in common.

"I have to go now...see you tomorrow morning."

With that, he just walked away, leaving you in you on the floor, picking up the fallen books. What an asshole!

An idea crossed your mind, maybe if you were friends, you could hang out here every day after school. But, of course, that was a crazy thought. A prince like him shouldn't be seen with a commoner like you!

Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice him chuckling as you grumpily picked up the scattered books.

"Until tomorrow, commoner..."

He said with a smile before making his way out of the bookstore.

Just another 24 hours before you cross paths with him again...

Good Morning! ꒰ ❛  Prince Shintarou x Reader  ❜ ꒱Where stories live. Discover now