chapter four

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Merry Christmas ❤💚

"Eric," Jack nudged eric shoulders, "Eric! Wake up!"

Eric mumbles something incoherently and nuzzles back into his pillow.


"Whaaat?" Eric whines.

"you gotta get up! We're gonna be late for dinner and you take forever to get ready!" Jack exclaimed.

Eric lifted his head up, revealing some very fluffy bed head.

"Your hair!" Jack gasped, wide eyed.

"Oh, shut up. You're just jealous I can pull it off and you can't."

Jack rolled his eyes, "yeah, that's right, I'm jealous." He said sarcastically.

"I knew it." Eric smirked sleepily.

Jack rolled his eyes again, "Get up! We gotta start getting ready!" He tossed a pillow over at eric who groaned and slowly got up.

"Fine." Eric groaned again.

"Ok, get dressed." Jack said, turning his back to eric, digging through his clothes, trying to find something formal.

"Uh...ok." eric took off his comfortable shirt and went searching for some formal clothes, but couldn't find anything, "hey Jack?"

"Yeah?" He responded, still looking through his stuff.

"Do you have anything formal I could borrow? I can't find anything." Eric asked.

"Yeah, I probably have something you can borr- OH!" He gasps when he sees his best friend/roommate/fake boyfriend without his shirt on, "what are you doing?!" He asks, making sure to look strictly at his face.

"Getting dressed!"

"Why are you getting dressed in here?"

"Where else would I get dressed at?"

Jack calms down from the initial shock, but still tries to look anywhere but his roommate.

"One of us could get dressed in the bathroom?" Jack suggests.

"Ok...can I have some clothes?"

"Sure. Here." He handed the other boy some clothes and sent him to the bathroom.

Jack got dressed quickly and waited for Eric patiently outside of the bathroom.

"Eric?" Jack knocked on the door, "you almost ready?"

Eric opened the door wearing Jack's clothes, his hair no longer messy.

"What took you so long?" Jack asked.

"Sorry, once I was done getting ready I just stood there staring at myself in the mirror."

Jack looked confused for a second but remembered it was eric and he always had these little "quirks" (undiagnosed adhdcore 😍lmao) so it really didn't surprise him.

There was a knock at the door and shawn walked in from his room.

"Hey, guys. You almost ready?" He asked, hands hooked in his pockets, which were clearly cory rejects.

"Yeah? What about you?"

Suddenly Angela appeared wearing a long red dress, with her hair tied up, shawn wrapped an arm around her waist, "someone cleans up nice." Shawn smirked, making Eric and jack sick to their stomachs.

Jack made it not so obvious, eric, however, was not so subtle.

"You guys sicken me." He said under his breath, earning him a glare from both Shawn and Angela.

Cory and Topanga appeared from the other door, cory wearing some nice looking suit and Topanga wearing a medium length green dress.

"Are we ready to eat?" Cory chuckles.

The six left the room and headed towards the dining area.

While looking around, eric saw a familiar face.

"Jack, hey Jack?"


"Is that mr. Feeny sitting over there?" Eric asked.

"I doubt it, he's not married or with anyone so I don't-"

But before he could finish, the man they were not so subtly gawking at, who really did turn out to be mr.feeny, interrupted him, "hello, Mr. Matthews, Mr. Hunter...I didn't expect to see you here."

"I could say the same thing about you." Eric replied.

"Fair enough." Feeny sighed.

"Who are you here with anyway, mr.Feeny?" Jack asked.

"Well, it's a long story-"

"Ohhh Georgie!"

Mr. Feeny sighs.

"Its me! Judy habberfeld!"

Eric and Jack look at each other, a little alarmed by the loud woman and a little confused as to when Feeny started going out with her.

"Come sit with me, George! I saved you a seat!"

"I'll meet you there in a minute." He muttered and judy seemed ok with this, walking back to her seat.

"So feeny, when did you and joanie start dating?" Eric asked.

"Its judy." Jack whispered.

"I mean, judy. When did you and judy start dating?"

Feeny sighs for the third time in a row, "well, not for long. I almost wasn't going to say yes but I needed a vacation and I live on a teachers salary, so it was pretty hard to resist a free trip." He explained.

Eric and jack nodded.

"Now, my turn to ask the questions," feeny said, straightening his tie, "who are you boys here with? I would have been expecting Topanga and cory and shawn and Angela to be here, but you two surprised me."

"Well, uh, each other. We're here with each other." Jack explained awkwardly.

"Yeah, that's right." Eric smiled, deciding to take it a step further, "he's my little hottie with the body." Eric grinned, wrapping an arm around Jack's shoulder.

"Oh. Well that's...lovely." Mr. Feeny cleared his throat, "I should be going."

"Bye feeny." Eric waved as he and jack sat down.

"What was that? "He's my little hottie with the body", really?" Jack whisper-yelled.

"we gotta make it believable." Eric said defensively.

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right." Jack sighed, "do I really look good?" Jack asked after a minute.

"Oh, yeah, man! You look great!"

"Thanks." Jack smiled and looked down at the table.

Eric laughed quietly.

"What is it?"

Eric smirked, "You said I was right."


Ok I wrote this at like 1am and I didn't really reread it, so I hope it's good lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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