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when I was 8 I sat alone at lunch because the other kids weren't interested in playing with the weird girl
who tried much to hard
and from what I've gathered
smells like a wet dog
I will never forget her face
large pouty lips
almost always curled in a satisfied smile
sickening, you'd think
almost like watching a dog get run over
look, I know I was 8
but I can't help but think you have something to do with this
you made me this way
you helped
every laugh
each smirk and every push on the playground
the way it wasn't just you but everyone else too
you left cuts in places that weren't my knees from the high falls from the top of the monkey bars
like they should've been
because how would I reach the top
if I had nobody to climb with
so I wonder, years later
if you have any fucking idea
what you did to me
look, I know I was 8
but when I'm staring down the glass tables of the therapists office

waiting for her to ask me how I take my tea
wondering if she'll ask how I take my vodka

Which is straight in case you were wondering, bitch
wondering how kids
innocent children
can be so cruel
I guess I've got a lot of time to wonder
why I gravitate to those I know will hurt me, what am I searching for?
or pain
look, I know I was 8
but fuck you

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