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see, the problem with me
is that i see oceans where only
puddles are required
I look into your eyes and think there is a galaxy and that you are something beautiful and every time
I am wrong
I assume the best out of people
I assumed the best out of you
hand sliding around my waist
taking me for a wild ride
you'd been on many times before
with many others
am a child
innocently starting up into the sky of nothingness wondering where the stars are hiding, maybe they aren't there at all
and maybe I should've realized that a hell of a lot sooner
because you,
are as deep as the shots of tequila you pour down your throat to get fucked
I take them to forget your name
And the taste of your tongue
I know it was a short time
you and me
but I suppose that I stood when I should have sat
and that I fell for you and didn't consider what was waiting for me at the bottom
because whatever it was
it wasn't you

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