『Dating/Married to Willy would be like..』

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On the ship(at the start of the movie), you two would take nightly small dates on there while everyone else slept.

Somehow, you never knew he couldn't read. He never told you, and you never thought to ask. But once you found out from Noodle, you both tried to teach him, and we all know how that ended up.

Before Lofty(that's him name right?), the Oompa Loompa, he would let you be one of the first testers of his new chocolate. If you declined, he would be a little sad, but also understanding and ask someone else.

Most times, if you let him, even with Lofty, he would still let you taste test them. He would probably depend on your thoughts more than the little Oompa Loompa.

Whenever he failed to impress anyone with his chocolate, you were always next to him comforting him. Saying things like, "you'll get it next time", and other sweet words to brighten his mood.

If you have social anxiety, he wouldn't think anything about it until you were surrounded by people in the cramped "basement" in Mrs. Scrubitt's building. But after a while, you were grateful that most of the attention was on Willy. Seeing his usual bubbly personality cheered you up.

He would sing you little lullabies to get you to fall asleep, especially if you have insomnia. Even if you don't, he would still sing to you.

You would sometimes sneak into his "room" for warmth during the night when you two got stuck in the Scrubitt's building.

If you got stressed from time to time, he would immediately get you to eat one of his chocolates. You accepted, and he was extremely happy that it made you cheer up.

If you don't like chocolate, he would probably try to make one that you would love and die for. Even if that meant failing to help you each time.

He would try to sneak you out of the Scrubitt's building every chance he got. He would make sure you were close to him at all times, and never left you out of his sight. Even while running, he would hold onto one of your hands, dragging you along to safety.

If you ever declined, saying it was too risky, he would understand and wouldn't force you into anything. He would still check up on you before he left, giving you a quick hug and kiss. Once he gets back, one of the first things he would do were make sure you were still alive and well.

If you ever got locked into the cramped closet that Noodle got put in a few times during the movie, he would immediately try to break you out of it and make sure you never got in trouble.


Hi! It's Aubs, also known as the creator of one of the Veneer preferences book. This is just to make up for the story, and possibly a little early Christmas gift.

I won't be updating this until Tuesday(day after Christmas for me), due to being busy with family. Have a good day and Christmas Day everyone.


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