Renewing a Past

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Chapter 19: x Renewing a Past
Author Notes: Chapter Nineteen of the Harry and Snape Romance, Red and Green. Un-beta'd but still looked over and such. Chapter Nineteen is where all the questions based on 'why' are answered. And Severus's past is reflected on. Not to mention, he has to face it to save Harry. And his future. But how we he do it?

Author Note 2: A lot of you have asked for Harry not to die - and I have yet to decide whether he will or won't. If you don't like character deaths, in chance there will be one, don't read on. because I'm honestly not sure. But if you can stand a character death, go on and read - it's wrong to leave a story in the final stretch because things aren't going your way. Also, on why Severus won't expel Draco - just read on. Questions will be answered.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, just this story.


Dedicated to Dinala and Nikki. Thanks for the support you guys.

XVIX. Renewing a Past

"Malfoy." I scowled, narrowing my eyes on the man who had tortured my last ten years. My lips slipped into a straight lined, pursed. He simply walked into the room as if he owned it, as if he was so much better then any other human in his aura. He smiled at me, and right behind him came the next worse thing to him - his son, Draco. His son had taken the looks of his father, smiling but holding that Slytherin scowl in the back of his mind. "You're not wanted here, Malfoy. Leave."

His eyes run along my Harry and I curse myself not to take a jab at the man's face. He stops, barely inches in front of me, and I instantly try to act as the stronger man. "Ah, of coarse I don't want to be here, Severus. I just came here, offering a warning." He paused to glance back down at Harry, eyeing the lightning shaped mark on his head, before curling his eyes back upwards towards me, "The world doesn't know what type of past we have had - and if you dare expel my son from this school - Oh, I must warn, the world will know more then it should."

He notices that large gulp running from my throat down to the pit of my stomach. My eyes narrow as low as they can, which is slightly close to wincing. His cane, that deviled snake object, moves from the ground and upwards, barely touching my chin. "Malfoy. I said get out." He taps my chin with the snake end of the cane, lightly, and twists his body around, rather gracefully, heading for the door. My body shivers as I watch him leave - that man knows too much for his own good, and for best bets - no one besides us should know.

Blackmail. Oh, the evilest of enemies. Yes, indeed, Malfoy and myself have had a past. He promised me the world, and I was at his feet much like I was once at Voldemort's feet. Malfoy promised me the return of greatness and wealth. My lips curled into a pitying glance towards the ground, but my hand, in instinct, moved to caress over Harry's own. A sigh escaped my lips and I wondered what sort of mess I had gotten into. I should had never of tried to tango with Malfoy - it only brought trouble.

That was torturing me today. Even worse, it put my entire existence, and not to mention, Harry's reputation on the line. It could create chaos in the wizarding world and lose my position as of professor here at Hogwarts. My entire life would be secluded either by death or, even worse, Azkaban Prison. My eyes glanced down to Harry's for a moment - he looked somewhat peaceful as he slept. I only wished that during this time he would no longer experience nightmares, nor pains. I only wished for the best for him.

Because, I, Severus Snape, can ruin his life. Because if the silly fact that I slept with Malfoy, several times, when I was under Albus's trust. When Albus gave me a second chance from the Dark Mark, I betrayed my loyal ness. Just for a flash of lust and promises that Malfoy offered me. Money, wealth, a decent life from a greasy old potions master. But then, when all seemed too well in my life of passions - Malfoy turns on me. He used me. And he continues to torture me with the fact that he is the only man, besides his son, that knows of our affair. Of my betrayal. Of my past.

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