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Chapter 20: x Faith
Author Notes: Chapter Twenty of the Harry and Snape Romance, Red and Green. Un-beta'd but still looked over and such. Chapter Twenty is mostly where the line between Malfoy and Severus is pushed and fumes are broiled. All leading up to one major event. But is Severus ready to face it? Or will he fail - leaving Harry inches away from death?

Author Note 2: A lot of you have asked for Harry not to die - and I have yet to decide whether he will or won't. If you don't like character deaths, in chance there will be one, don't read on. because I'm honestly not sure. But if you can stand a character death, go on and read - it's wrong to leave a story in the final stretch because things aren't going your way. As well, There will be three more chapters to this story. As hard as it is to finish it up, I have to. This has been my pride and joy - but all great things must come to an end.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, just this story.


XX. Faith

My eyes glanced over at the Muggle clock that hung the wall, ticking away as the second passed by in this dawning hour. My eyes moved back to Malfoy for a second, waiting for him to explain his 'deal'. But in the back of my stomach, I had a feeling that he was going to pull a trick like he did before. In the past. Ten years ago. The one that put my entire loyalty to Albus on the line, and has kept me blackmailed ever since. My heart cringed at the thought that Malfoy was setting up this type of deal again.

What exactly would I do?

I couldn't put a love between Harry and myself on the line. But, as well, seeing as it was the only way to get information about Voldemort from Malfoy, there was no other way. I frowned, but Malfoy noticed. His deep eyes gazed onto mine and I tingled under the look. He chuckled at me before taking a sip of his wine. My eyes lowered to his cane. That bloody thing even caused me nightmares. "Now, now, Severus. Do you remember our dear years back?"

I snarl, but hold the growl between my lips. My tongue slides over my teeth, as if they were sharp blades - preparing their selves for this battle. My eyes moved back to him, and he sat calmly as ever, waiting for an answer. Unlike me, though, Malfoy was a very patient man. But he did have his buttons. And by chance, I knew how to push them. "Yes, Malfoy, I do remember a certain deal we had between ourselves a bit back." My words came from my lips, putting strong emphasis on each and every word.

He raised a brow and looked towards the empty fireplace. I, too, looked into it's hollow opening. Dust was glittered over burned wood and dozens of snakes engraved the mantel around the fireplace that use to offer warmth. "Well, perhaps we could make a deal, somewhat like the one from the past. You were fairly good at keeping up with the deal." I growled and flicked my eyes back at him. It was like a simple game of tennis with deadly intentions. So deadly, that it could perhaps kill.

A new line was drawn, much like past ones. Where I would have to decide. It was between the side of risk and faith. I could never put Harry in a situation where I would go behind his back and cheat on him. But in the same case I had to do something to get closer to Voldemort, to save Harry. Was I ready to be used again? As Malfoy's little toy slut or something of that nature? My teeth gritted along each other as I pushed away past thoughts and tried to keep focus on what was occurring and what could occur. What things could be lost and what could be gained. I needed time.

"Can I think in this, Malfoy?"

He nods and stands up, before walking towards the door. I follow, curtly, and find a sigh nestled back in the corner of my heart as I would be getting away from this mess as soon as I hit the door. "But, remember now Severus, Harry doesn't have very long." I stop and turn around as soon as I hear those words, facing him with a cold glare. He only snickers, taking in the house's chilly cold air and inflicting it upon my skin. I shivered again under his breath. "Now, go on, Severus. If you do want the best for your Potter boy, I do hope you make a decision soon. Or else, the consequences could be severe."

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