Interlude: We'll Meet Again

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Realized, I never wrote anything but Nightmare leaving

Nightmare had left, he felt free as a bird yet soul crushing unhappiness at the same time.

His feet carried him onward, the earth dusty under his boots. He peered up at the sky, the sun was rising behind him.

Dream would be waking soon.

He wondered if his twin would miss him, he hoped so... yet the villagers took more and more of his time. It hurt, how he kept walking to them.

He Never looked back nor invited Nightmare.

Suddenly he heard a strange sound, startled the Guardian of Negativity ducked into a bush.

"Darn it Error... you didn't have to throw Broomie into a random portal" a voice was protesting, bright purple eyes stared out the bushes curious. A slender figure in strange clothes was trying to grab a strange item from a tree, likely this 'Broomie.'

It was so silly the way they were jumping, the item was so much higher.

Wouldn't it make sense to climb the tree?


"Ow..." the figure said, as the item fell down and hit there head.

Nightmare covered his mouth with his hand, it would be very rude to laugh.

"Oh! I need to get back before Error destroys it!" they cried spinning around like an idiot.

Then suddenly there was a inky portal.


A portal...

Those we're suppose to be fantasy, like is his few books the villagers tossed away like Garbage. He loved books and reading, mother had given him the ability to read when they were created.

Why he had no clue, they were smack dab nowhere.

Then they jumped through the portal.

"Wait!" Nightmare scrambled from the bushes, and without thinking jumped through also.

The portal snapped shut behind him.

Unknown to him the figure had closed the portal, there was no exist or entrance anymore.

Nightmare tumbled on within darkness, when he finally escaped would be the true start of his journey.

Dream.... echoed the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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