Patience is a virtue

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(Note: Translations at the very end)
Word count: ~ 9500


"Cardinal, I need you to tell me what was going on during the last sermon", Imperator says calmly but with a warning undertone that makes him shiver. Copia clenches his fists on his red cassock covered lap, so hard the leather of his gloves makes a straining squeaky noise. Sitting across from her and Nihil in her office, he suddenly starts sweating, looking at her, startled. "Sister...", he starts, his voice barely confident, "what... what do you mean, if I may ask?". He looks over to her with a frown, trying to appear absolutely oblivious of what happened a few days ago. He thought he wasn't too obviously horny.
"Imbecile little...", Nihil mutters, his arms crossed and his demeanour annoyed. He can't finish, as Imperator immediately shushes him sharply. Copia just sighs, trying not to roll his eyes. Turning back to Copia, she takes a little break before she explains what she wanted:"Listen, Cardinal, the overall impression we got of your last service was that you were a bit... distracted. I just wanted to ask if there were any issues, of personal or work related matters that you wanted to discuss?". Copia gulps down, his eyes wide, before his lip twitches awkwardly, taking his little moustache with it. Nihil just huffs next to her, shaking his head in disappointment.
"Distracted?", Copia asks, unsure of what to say next, "Sister, yes. I... I might have been a little distracted". He looks down, trying to avoid her gaze. She just looks at him, leaning forward on her heavy desk, tapping her finger on the dark wood. "Cardinal, why? You never seem distressed or distracted during sermon. This is very new to me. There must be something not right", she answers lowly, definitely demanding an explanation.
"Well, yes", Copia looks up again, his eyes worried and awkward, "listen, it is not the way you think it is. But... but I might have overslept. You know, there is this video game that...", he's cut off. "Bullshit! He's been jacking off all night, staring at photos of some random bimbo dolls, you hear me? I just learned the word, a Sister explained it to me. Fits the Cardinal!", Nihil scoffs, knowing perfectly well he's just here to mock Copia - as always. Copia's jaw drops in disbelief. "Papa Nihil!", Imperator now raises her voice, "what is it with you today?! You're acting like a child, it is embarrassing all of us, the whole Ministry". Copia remains silent, his eyes wide open. Bimbo dolls? Really?!
"Well, at least I'm still being perceived as quite juvenile then, ha!", Nihil huffs out with a laugh, only for a few coughs to follow. Imperator rolls her eyes, close to kicking him out. "Cardinal", she says, trying to remain calm, "... a video game, you say? Is this the reason why you've overslept?". Copia sighs, only nodding slowly. He can't believe what the fuck is going on in here. If the general public knew how things are handled within the ministry, they would be fucked.
"Yes. Well, I mean, I know we don't celebrate Christmas, but I tend to treat myself during this time as well, you know...", he tries to explain. Bullshit.
Sister raises her brows, answering only with a exaggerated nod. Copia feels his body heat up, in the most uncomfortable way ever. If he could, he would melt down on his chair right here, right now.
"Good... Or not good", Imperator adds now, after thinking for a moment. She leans back in her chair, clasping her hands on her thighs, letting out a sigh, "Cardinal. I hope that this doesn't happen again. If however, I will have to take measures. You pulled through, yes, but we cannot tolerate you not focusing properly. Besides, was there a reason for you to leave so quickly?". Copia finally has enough, his patience wearing thin. He somehow has to keep his composure now, though, so he doesn't jump head forward into more trouble. But this annoying dusty old man's noises don't help, coughing and whining next to Imperator.
"Sister, it was my day off, sì? I forgot that I had to jump in for Terzo. And so I had a dentist's appointment right after sermon. It's as simple as that", he says, feigning calmness, "it is not going to happen again". His hands shaky, he balls them to fists again, trying hard to hide his frustration. He really thought he nailed the fucking sermon.
"If this is the case", Imperator says calmly, "you may leave". He sighs, immediately getting up, slightly bowing before her, taking care his biretta doesn't fall off his head. "Thank you, Sister", he says devotionally, before he turns to Papa Nihil to bow as well, "... dickhead". Copia immediately turns around, stomping out of the office and not looking back once. Now it is Nihil's turn to drop his jaw, not being able to believe what he just heard. Imperator stifles a chuckle, watching the Cardinal rush out of the office.
"What did he just call me?!", Nihil asks, cocking his head towards Sister, who can't hide a smirk. "Well", Imperator says, hardly being able to compose herself, "that's what happens if you try to shoot a red cardinal. The smart ones peck you back on the head". Nihil huffs, rolling his eyes as he tries to slowly get up, having issues doing so. "Oh when I get him one day...", he snarls, slowly walking away, throwing his hand into the air lightly, as if he wanted to stop this nonsense.

If I could turn back the time... Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang