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"Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself.." Alastor's brittle voice rung out loudly throughout the empty hotel walls.

I felt a yawn coming on as I watched this red stick-figure talk to Charlie. She had referred to him as "The Radio Demon" I believe. My boredom caught up with me as I was sitting on this couch, watching them do fancy powerful people shit. Not everyone had the ability to just demand investments and stuff to be done like they did. Don't get me wrong, the princess is nice and all that. She just ain't exactly realize how lucky she is to pick up a whole goddam hotel from her daddy. Now when it comes to this new rich ass red guy, I wasn't so sure, he seemed like he could go either way. As in, he could flip from understanding an all that to salesmanship.

I fluffed up my fur boobs and fixed the bow tie on my suit. It was a nice distraction from my own struggle. It also allowed me to continue looking flawless. What can I say, first impressions matter. It wasn't like I cared what this big talk boozo felt about me though. That was for him to deal with. My only job here was to sit and look pretty, and I was darn good at it. I was really fucking good at it actually. That's why people pay so much to see me. I'm priceless, and so is my body. Time with me ain't priceless though, that comes for a fee. I wonder how I ended up so god damn lucky in this dirt hole.

I have such a bad habit of losing my train of thought.

My criticisms on myself was abruptly interrupted when I heard the new guy finish his sentence. I wasn't really paying attention to what he said, more just I knew that he was making noise. It kind of ended up that way with me a lot. It was easier to zone out then it was to pay attention to people. I took more pleasure in the aggressive and the pushier side of conversations. In other words, my side, I guess you could say I liked hearing my own voice.

As I examined "The Radio Demon" more, the creep's smile seemed to grow larger. It gave me shivers that I refused to admit was there. It was like my blood ran cold, and then started flowing backwards. I don't think that sentence would make sense read back to me, but it sure expressed what I was feeling. I felt like the cold, clutter-filled walls of the hotel shrunk in on me, leaving only the emotions I experienced in that moment. That smile felt like it was intruding onto me in a weird way I couldn't explain. It confused me. I'm positive I wasn't the first.

Hm, that was a good name for this weirdo. Smiles. I liked the ring to it.

Ah, shit. There is was again. I lost my train of thought. I really did need to work on that, didn't I?

I asked Vaggie a question about "smiles" to try and gain more information. Always appreciate some background information when I go for a guy. I was particularly interested in him at all. I mean sure, he was decent looking, but I wasn't really on the market right now. That's just the deal of being a Porn Star. Specifically working for Valentino. Val is protective as fuck. Won't let me get out a shit. Can't even hang out with Cherri without being warned. We're in hell, goddamit. This hotel business also acts as a sort of shield from Valentino, in a way. It felt nice, I guess. I've been in hell for so long, yet I never go a day without regretting the moment I signed that dumb contact with Valentino. Overlords are shit. They fall in here with all this power, while the rest of us have to fight and punch for scraps. It ain't fair. I'm luckier than most. I managed to grasp onto a bit of fame. Nothing comes without a cost though.

Vaggie went pretty in-depth into her answer. Something I, again, spaced partially out on. It was mostly just "Watch out for this big scary man who killed a bunch of people." Thanks so much Vagina, that was a super helpful answer. It did explain a bit to me though. Even though I may not be into what goes on in hell, like overlords for example, I do vaguely remember hearing of other overlords beings toppled. Nothing about the one doing it, which I assume is why I've never heard of Smiles before. What I do remember though, is Vox going batshit about it. I gave back a quick response back to her that I didn't put much thought into, and left it at that. She ignored me and got up to go talk to Charlie. This gave me time to

What was it this "Radio Demon" had said earlier? Something about.... Why he was doing this whole thing. Yes! That was it! He said he was doing this whole thing for his own "entertainment."

So he doesn't really care about the hotel? Geez, I can't believe Charlie's giving this guy a chance. I mean, even I somewhat care about what she is doing! Well, I guess you could say I'm taking more pity on her, but at least I'm hiding it! I wonder how long he's going to stay then. How long before he gets his... entertainment. I watched him as he stared at a family portrait of Charlie. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to give up easily, but yet again I don't see much entertainment coming off of Charlie's plan. Maybe some failure, and then he will leave.

I don't exactly care that he doesn't take much interested in the hotel. I'd be a hypocrite if I said I did, because I don't exactly care about the hotel that much either. This Alastor guy can do as he pleases. 

I sighed sharply, sinking into the old, hard sofa I was seated on. It had a multiple of different stains on it, and seemed to be greatly weathered. It still brought comfort in this moment for me, however.

I have a weird gut feeling that things are about to get crazy for this little "Happy Hotel."

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