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My smile widened subconsciously as I thought of the demon princess. How excited she was. It was pitiful. She imploring me to help her with the hotel, which I would've done if she didn't ask anyways. Take the word "help" as you will.

It's an easy exchange. I help advertise and run her hotel, and I get to watch it fail from behind the scenes. I don't actually care for her little passion project. I made that very clear to her and her little girlfriend. They can't say I didn't warn them. They should really watch their words.

Now, I'm sitting in the lobby of the hotel, watching everyone else wander about. There isn't much to do anyways. Niffty is the only one that is actually doing work. This rugged place is in absolute shambles! Niffty really has her work cut out for her. I could practically taste the repulsive smell of dust and dreams. Eugh. It made me want to gag. Charlie's aura really had a way of affecting everything around her.

Husk has taken a partially great interest into the bottle of booze I gave him. I can't believe someone would fall so low as to taste that disgusting liquid. I prefer to have more delicate drinks. He is quite strange, but I don't regret making that deal with him. It was quite foolish on his part, as I got the upper hand in the agreement. I believe it was a safe assumption to say he was partially drunk during it.

Vagatha seems to have taken great interest in whatever the heck Charlie is telling her so enthusiastically. It's laughable, really. I straightened my back as I stared at them. They were such a poor sight. I couldn't imagine falling in love like they did. Love is so peculiar. 

Love. Yuck.

I refuse to see how people can feel that revolting emotion. To care so deeply for someone. It's absolutely disheartening. Ruins all my plans of crushing people. They stare at their "lover" with so many feelings deep within their soul. Why feel those emotions in your soul when you could just take peoples souls. Love requires so many needs; touching and caring for their significant other. How could anybody find that enjoyable! I simply cannot understand. 

It's so uncanny to see love evolve in the lowest place possible. Hell, goddamit. Humans on Earth, in their weak pathetic selves, feel this disgusting emotion so often. They're so vacillated. They push and shove, trying desperately to reach onto this thing they call love. It's such a waste. Love is just a waste. It's all a lie too. Their truth is another man's lie. I simply cannot understand it. I'm so glad I didn't end up as something so stupid when I was alive. It is much better to live a ruthless life down here where I can take anything I want. Watching all their silly hearts break.

Yet I watch Vaggie stare at Charlie with so much of this appalling feeling. How? She looks at her with so much care and respect. It makes me loathe them. Then again, it will make the pleasurable experience of watching this whole project fail so much more enjoyable for me! Ah, I simply cannot wait to see all their pathetic faces when they're realize their patrons cannot, in fact, be redeemed.

On to the topic of patrons, I wonder how they ever managed to rope that lanky spider demon into all of this. My vision switches from the couple to the pink dressed spider resting on the couch on his back. He looked to be examine the roof. He doesn't seem to be able to do much. I don't believe he has much of a chance at all of being redeemed. Especially with his lewd comments and behaviors. I suppose there must be something he can do. Charlie is naive, but she isn't stupid. I'm quite sure she would've have retained a hopeless patron to start her project. Still, he seems quite hopeless. 

I breathe in a sigh, and finally decided to go make that jambalaya I talked about earlier. I stoop up, and began to walk towards Charlie. It was absolute miserable just watching everyone sit around. Husk had finally finished drinking his bottle and now let his face rest against the grainy counter. I'm sure that felt uncomfortable. It sure looked uncomfortable. Niffty was no where in sight, surly still cleaning. Charlie and Vaggie had now changed their conversation to a more casual one, and the spider was on his phone. I believe the snake being was still outside  in the hole of rubble I dug for him so graciously. 

I stopped in front of Charlie and Vagatha, who stopped their conversation to look up at me. My smile widened as I looked down at them.

"Uh, hey Alastor. Is there something you need?" Charlie spoke cautiously. A wise choice on her part. Husk and Angel Dust simultaneously looked in my direction to try and piece together what I was doing. My eyes dimmed as I gestured my staff into existence and balanced on it gracefully.

"Yes dear, I was wondering if you could show me the kitchen. See, I was simply joking about cooking earlier, but seeing the sad atmosphere of this building I have taken it upon myself to liven up the place." I spoke animatedly and diligently to Charlie, watching her comprehending what I was telling her. Vaggie glared at me slightly with the pet name, but Charlie didn't seem to notice. I grinned.

"Well okay, I don't see why you couldn't cook," Charlie said, glancing at Vaggie, "The kitchen is over there." I followed her pointed hand to see double doors slightly tucked in a corner. I hummed in approval and began treading over there. I heard the sound of shuffling behind me, but ignored it.

I entered the kitchen and was more or less shocked to see the kitchen looked less like an actual hotel kitchen and more like a home kitchen. It had attributes of both, which I admit, was quite clever.

I summoned the ingredients needed for jambalaya as I assumed they wouldn't have any actual cooking food here. I specifically brought in a couple extra ingredients not from the normal recipe, but from my mothers recipe. I wasn't lying earlier, my mother did, indeed, make wonderful jambalaya.

I started collecting a pan that they did have here and started making the food in silence. Even though I was here for myself, I still have passions. Just then, I decided that the silence was unwanted, and started humming a tune. I don't know where it came from, just popped into my mind. I was in a rhythm mixing the ingredients. It was nice. This recipe might be better with some fresh meat, but I want to honor my mother. I felt my smile relax slightly.

Time seemed to fly while I was making the recipe. I was maybe one-third ways through when I heard the door open. I stopped what I was doing and turned to the person who intruded into the kitchen. Angel Dust stood there, looking at what I was doing. I felt myself become slightly annoyed, but hid it well, making my smile bigger.

I opened my mouth to speak but was rudely interrupted by Angel Dust, who spoke first.

"Whatcha cooking up?" I sighed disappointingly. "I suppose you don't pay attention, do you? I'm making jambalaya." "Okay then." Angel Dust replied dryly, leaning against a wall to continue staring at the food.

"Why are you here." I spoke, slightly perplexed. He had no reason to be here, other than to bother me.

"What? I can't watch?" Angel Dust said smugly, pretending to be offended. "I'm hurt Smiles, I thought you cared more." I let the confusion show on my face with the pet name. Smiles? I've never been called that before.

"I suppose you can. Just.. don't be a bother." I said hesitantly.  Angel Dust lit up in victory and walked over swiftly.


He sat on the counter with a safe amount of distance from the food and myself. Any closer and I probably would have told him to move, but I suppose that distance is fine.

I looked at him slightly confused one last time, before I directed the attention back to the food. I had stopped humming when he entered, making the silence slightly awkward. I used that opportunity to make him more awkward than I was feeling, widening my grin and making my static louder.

Angel Dust contradicted this by humming his own tune, swinging his legs off the counter like a child. I looked back at him, but quickly looked back at the food. It didn't bother me that much that he was humming. I didn't really care for him.

This is definitely a different form of entertainment than the one I was expecting.


Just a slight note from the author. Alastors repulsiveness to love is not him being aromatic. Angel will not force love upon him. He just isn't fond of love, as he never took time to understand it in his human life. I just want to make that especially clear. Canonically, and even in the actual show, he is only confirmed to be asexual. (Please tell me if otherwise people keep saying he's aromatic too but no one will give me a source)

Even with the fact of canon, this story is just for fun. He is asexual in this book. Thank you.

Love all you aromatics and asexuals out there. Y'all are amazing <3

Okay bye.

Silently in love with you-  A Radiodust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now