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"Be someone you want to be NOT what society expects you to be"~ Me

Ok so hey sorry for not posting, but I'm back I hope you stayed epic, Yes you with the sexy smile ;) Anyways I came up with that quote today and to be honest it's fucking true you don't have to be all perfect and wear dresses or look pretty cuz people want you too!

Society is a bitch in disguise! Don't be someone different just be yourself since everyone else is taken and you can never be them so why try in the first place? I know all of you guys have alot of family/school/peer issues but don't let them change you or damage your sexy smile! Or you with the sad smile don't lose your courage someone is always there for you don't you deny it! and if you really don't have someone than .. I'm here for you.

Even though I'm pretty weird and awkward and insecure..Heck I have social anxiety which is fucking bad and annoying, but I don't cut myself ir be a stranger I just listen to my music and dream about paradise.

Oh AND I also eat food and stalk famous people on social media! ..yip I need a life,but I hope that made you feel better about yourself or atleast made you smile even for just a second .. because I believe you deserve it and no one is born evil everyone has a choice with reasons and hidden secrets. I guess bye bye for now pretty person with a sexy smile!

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