1 - Arrangement

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“Please, Your Grace, if I don't have you in the courtyard soon I'll be in serious trouble!”

Despite my nursemaid's pleading, I still squirmed and struggled as she brushed my hair, staring at myself in the large vanity mirror.

It wasn't often that I was forced to get all dolled up in formal attire. Only for important events or parties, but here I was, standing in a fancy silken dress that reached my ankles, sleeves long and embroidered with leaves of ivy. It was pretty, I would never deny that, but it wasn't exactly comfortable.

“Do I have to be there? It sounds bori-Ow! Saria, that's tight! Take it out!” I tried to reach up and take the braid out of my hair, but my hand was slapped away by the brush.
“It's staying in, and yes, you do have to be there. This is your future husband, Your Grace! Why don't you want to meet him?”

Whilst I was certainly curious about who I was destined to marry, it all seemed so pointless. It wasn't going to happen for a good ten or so years, and in all honesty, I was nervous. What if he didn't like me? What if I wasn't good enough for him?

“I'm seven. Ask me again when I'm old. Like, fifteen or something…” I mumbled, rolling my eyes as Saria fluffed at my dress skirt and began ushering me towards the door.
“Just behave, treat them with kindness, and please, for the love of all that is good, don't get snippy. Nobody wants a snippy mate.”

There was still so much I didn't know about the whole mate thing. I was always told ‘I'll tell you when you're older” whenever I asked questions, aside from the basics.

What I did know was that everyone had a fated mate, and that you would just know once you met them. Not everyone was fortunate enough to meet their mate, or perhaps they just chose another person instead at their own risk, but that was the extent of my knowledge. Not exactly too much to go on.

“What if he isn't supposed to be my mate, though? Like, if I see him and nothing happens, are we still gonna get married?” I questioned my nursemaid as we descended the staircase, the entrance to the palace coming into view.

“Well, of course, nothing is going to happen today! You said so yourself, you're seven, Your Grace! Silly girl, you're not of age yet.” Saria chuckled, as though it had been something that should have been completely obvious to me. “Besides, this marriage is very important. Whether you're destined mates or not, you will choose each other for the sake of the kingdom. I'm sure he's…a lovely boy.”

At least that much I understood. Fell Wilds was a beautiful country, and it's people were strong, but we were apparently far behind the times. As the years went on, we became an easier target for other nations, as well as pirates and other unsavoury assailants. I'd seen images of wars in the papers, and it was nervewracking.

Germa, whilst smaller than us, were far stronger, and equipped with things we would eventually need to survive. What exactly, I hadn't the slightest clue, but I trusted my family's decision. They knew best.

“There's my beautiful little lady!” My mother cooed when we approached them, already waiting in the open courtyard beside my father. “Are you ready to meet your betrothed?” She welcomed me in with preening hands, and I just let her do her thing.

“I'd rather be out looking for baoberries…” I mumbled, silently irking as she licked her thumb and swiped it against my cheek.
“You'll have plenty of time for that later. Remember, best behaviour, best self.” My father instructed, smiling down at me from behind his jungly beard.

“I promise, but I still-” My words were cut off as the gates began to creak, disrupting tumbling tresses of ivy as they began to open. Saria scuttled back several paces, and I quickly straightened my posture when my mother nudged my shoulder.

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