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No new assignments had come in.

In the rare peace that came with nothingness—no missions, no wounds to clean, no running for her life—Aurora lay on her bed contemplating the dim gray ceiling above her in silence. She let the sounds of steps and chatter outside her room come and go like the thoughts forming in her mind, basking in the mix of relaxation and tension.

The longest she could go without thinking back to Christophsis was just under five minutes, as she confirmed by tearing her eyes from the ceiling to the clock at her bedside as a way to distract her from the memories. Aurora wanted more than anything else to simply not think of that anymore, and even focusing on Crosshair's heroic rescue of her didn't put balm over the wounds. She'd been held hostage while facing heartbreak and her own demise, hurt when she was the one supposed to do the healing.

She'd never felt weaker than she had at that moment.

Aurora sat up on her bed, knowing that lying down wasn't doing her or her spiraling mind any favors. With a heavy sigh, she tried grounding herself; her hands clenched the bed's comforter underneath her, the fabric fuzzy and soft against her cold fingertips, and when she let go of the fabric, it didn't go back to its original state. Her gaze focused on a point between the line where the door met the floor, separating her bedroom from the hallway, and she took a deep breath in while closing her eyes.

It's okay to still get memories. It's okay to feel sad at what happened because it was a terrible thing to go through. From being taken hostage to getting a blast wound on her thigh, to believing she wouldn't see the man she loved ever again, a man who at that point she was convinced she had broken up with for good regardless of whether they saw one another again, all of that had made up the cloud that still loomed in her mind. But I'm not on Christophsis anymore, I'm on Coruscant. I'm healing. I'm safe. I'm wearing part of Crosshair's armor.

Aurora looked down at her forearm, covered by the gray and black piece of armor he'd given her, and the corner of her lip curved up.

He wants me here.

With her next exhale, Aurora felt tears pooling in her eyes, tears she didn't bother holding back. After taking that moment to reflect, she felt a weight being lifted off her shoulders, and the hole in her chest seemed to lighten up as well. The point she was staring at seemed to materialize in front of her as she finally returned to the real world, to the safe walls of her temporary room at Coruscant, escaping the cell she was held at on Christophsis. When the tears stopped coming, Aurora wiped her cheek dry and stood up from the bed.

Perfectly timed, her wrist comm began to beep.

"Come in," Aurora answered.

"You sound more like yourself," Hunter said from the other end of the comm—he'd be the only one able to pick up on the most subtle signs Aurora could give in regards to her emotions. "Got any plans tonight?"

"I... I think?" She raised a brow, doubtful. "Your brother left me a message earlier to meet him."

"Are you sure you want to go with him?" Hunter sounded like he was teasing. "You could always bail on him and I'll make sure to annoy the shit outta him."

Aurora chuckled. "No, I think he's apologized enough."

"So you're not mad at him anymore?"

"Crosshair's one of those men you're always mad at," Aurora replied.

Hunter laughed heartily on the other end of the comm. "Good answer."

When Hunter quieted down, Aurora felt her features soften.

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