The Perfect Snapshot

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Pairing: Eunhae

Prompt: Photographer/model

Summary: Donghae is a photographer assigned to take some explicit photos for a special edition of Elle; Eunhyuk is his model, eager to show off his body. Their photoshoot takes a turn for the better when Eunhyuk requests they take some "action shots".

"Lee Donghae," the lead publicist of Elle called.

"Yes sir," the young brunette replied, jumping to attention.

"We're going to be doing a special edition of Elle next month and I need you to go take some pictures of a model for me," the publicist instructed. "Go over to the warehouse where we do all the photoshoots and take some good ones; be there tomorrow at nine am, and this time, make sure to use unique angles, the consumers want interesting pics."

"Yes sir absolutely," Donghae agreed, taking a file from his boss.

The next morning, Donghae drove over to the Elle warehouse where the company did all their photoshoots. Carefully, Donghae carried his camera equipment into the warehouse where he found several other employees setting up lights, the backdrop, and the chaise lounge for the model to lay on. He approached a room behind the backdrop and knocked on the door. Suddenly, a woman emerged from the room. "Yes, can I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm Lee Donghae, the photographer; I was just wondering when my model will be ready," Donghae responded.

"Yes, your model will be ready momentarily, we're just finishing the makeup," the woman informed, before reentering the room. Donghae walked back over to set up his cameras where they needed to be placed. When he finished setting up one on a tripod, Donghae heard the dressing room door open and saw a blonde male wearing a white robe appear before him. The brunette dropped his jaw a little when he gazed at the model; sure he'd seen models before, but this one was absolutely gorgeous. "Model is ready for you."

"A-alright, thank you," Donghae muttered as he cleared his throat.

The blonde model smirked, noticing Donghae stammer in nervousness. He walked over to the photographer and asked "So what do I call you?"

"I'm Donghae," the brunette stated.

"I'm Eunhyuk," the model replied. "So you're my photographer huh?"

"Yep, yep I am," Donghae said, hands gripping a camera that hung around his neck.

Leaning forward, Eunhyuk gently gripped one of Donghae's biceps and whispered into his ear "Make sure and get some really sexy shots, gotta make the readers happy you know."

Hearing Eunhyuk's quiet voice and hot breath against his ear made Donghae shiver before he muttered "O-of course."

Backing up, Eunhyuk walked over to the chaise lounge and asked "So how would you like me to pose first?"

"Please lie on the chaise lounge on your side," Donghae requested.

"Very well," Eunhyuk agreed. He unfastened the belt on his robe and slid the silk material off his body, revealing a rock hard six pack, muscled pectorals, perfectly toned arms, and a slender figure that made Donghae's body tremble at the sight of it. Eunhyuk was beautiful, he wasn't too built up like other models Donghae had photographed. His straight, blonde bangs cascaded down over his eyes slightly, giving his brown irises a smoldering look. Eunhyuk was modeling a pair of boxer briefs, and Donghae involuntarily glanced down at Eunhyuk's lower region, discovering just how well-endowed the blonde Korean was. Donghae observed Eunhyuk lie on the chaise lounge and ask "Is this alright?"

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