Truth Hurts

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They all begin to walk back to their little camp and Kitty feels horrible, all of the lost boys... they were just little boys... she wonders what lies they had been told about them to make them want to fight them... she couldn't help but feel like she could relate to the boys, she had been told many lies from her father and she was made believe certain things because that's what he told her. She was actually similar to the boys in a lot of different ways which impacted her more than she thought it would, her head was filling up with thoughts that she didn't want to be thinking about, she felt like she was drowning in her own head and she didn't know what to do about it, she didn't know how to tell the others, how to ask for their help... her arm was on fire but she had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't the only one that had been hit by dreamshade as David was acting funny as well.

She couldn't focus on that though she had two children and her husband to look after so she had push whatever was going on with her aside because she had people to protect, they were more important... Jefferson sees the look on her face and he leans his head down to whisper in her ear "stop listening." He whispers to her and she looks up at him confused "what do you mean?" She asks him, her ears twitching slightly and he raises his eyebrow at her "stop listening to whatever the voices are saying in your head." He whispers to her and she hugs his arm and pushes her face into it as they walk and Jefferson feels bad for her, she has so many more problems than everyone else here yet she'll act as though nothing bothers her and she'll make sure everyone else is okay before she even considers how she is feeling herself.

They all make it back to camp and Kitty and Jefferson make sure that Jack and Grace drift off to sleep alright with Kitty using a small amount of magic to make sure they don't have any nightmares whilst they slept, that was one thing she didn't want happening, she didn't want her kids waking up terrified. "Guys, not now. Please." Kitty hears Emma say and David goes to stop her from walking away "Emma, wait." He says and Mary Margaret stops him from walking after Emma who goes to sit beside Kitty who was looking at the map "Please talk to me." Mary Margaret asks Emma and Kitty is trying to ignore the burning in her arm and focus on looking at the map "There's nothing to talk about. We had our chance and we lost... I lost." Emma says and Kitty looks over to her "Then you have to keep fighting." Kitty tells her and Emma looks over at Kitty. 

"You heard what Hook said." She says before shaking her head "Pan is a demon." Emma says and Kitty's ears just fall flat against her head and Jefferson takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it "And you are a..." Mary Margaret starts to say "What? A savior?" Emma snaps looking at Mary Margaret "Because if that were true, this map would've shown us the way already." She finishes saying and Kitty shakes her head, getting sick of Emma's attitude, "Emma this map is about us, not just you! We should be figuring out what we have in common, maybe then we could figure out what Pan is trying to do." Kitty says looking at the map and Emma scoffs "we have nothing in common, last time I checked I don't drink tea with rabbits or talk to myself like I'm crazy." Emma says and Kitty takes a sharp intake of breath and Emma realises what she's said, why was it that everyone just she was crazy... she could herself crying out in her head that she wasn't crazy... she shivered thinking about what had happened during the curse.

"Kitty I'm sorry... I didn't mean it like that." She says as Kitty scoffs and stands up and goes to move "so how did you mean it Emma? If you have something to say to me then say it to me because I'm sick of the little comments you all make about me, I'm done listening to them. If anyone has a problem with me then come right ahead and just tell me!" She says her voice getting thick with emotion "I'm sick of all of you either calling me insane or crazy or making some jab about my past I'm done with it! It's not fair, and it's certainely not right." She says and everyone looks over at her and Jefferson gets up and moves over to her as she crosses her arms over her chest "That boy with the Knife... you stopped fighting him. Why?" Snow asks Emma.

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