The Nightcrawler pt.1

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🦊GhostFox x NC🦎

A light blue goo wanders the halls of the facility alone. She appears ghostly underneath the lights above. She isn't usually out in the light since she isn't a big fan of it and prefers the dark, she decided today that she would go out. She was very sensitive to the bright lights so that's why she doesn't come out very often. Walking out in the broad daylight, casually and curiously walking around, she doesn't exactly know what to do other than to look around.

While the goo was strolling, the lights suddenly flickered off with no warning. She stands in the middle of the hall unsure of what to do as she has never ever been in this type of predicament before. Slightly on edge, she calms herself, thinking of trying to find a hiding spot to stay for the rest of the Blackout. In search of a place to temporarily stay, she goes around the corner of the hall and she freezes. A dark goo was off in the distance, it was hard to see, you can only see the shadow figures that moved in the dark. But from what she can hear was horrific, even if she can't fully see, maybe it was for the best. The grueling cries of the humans are then cut off with a single snap to the neck, it echoes down the hall.

It fell silent, chills ran down her spine. Then, she can tell the goo's head move from the way she can see 3 neon purple light beams stare back at her. She tenses, still frozen and not moving she stands like a deer in headlights. The shadow of the goo moves close and closer, like the dark. She prepares herself in a fighting stance, ready to take the goo head on if it was trying to attack her. Electricity surging through her as the piercing purple lights were right in front of her. She looks at it with a determined look on her face, waiting for the goo's first move before she strikes.

The glaring purple light intently stares back at her then the goo spoke, "You're a regular goo. You're not supposed to be out in Blackout." The goos says the matter of factly, putting his goggles up and his eyes are like the dark as well, like a shadow. She stares at his face, he looks a bit goofy without his goggles, almost friendly-like. She doesn't respond to his statement, "Well, I can take you to the Grass Cave if you'd like." The fox goo still, just looks away from the other goo's gaze, biting her inner cheek unsure, reluctantly agreed to his offer. "Alright I can lead you the way! You can hold onto me if you would like if you get lost or can't see." The lizard goo suggested. The light blue nods, understanding of what words he suggested but just follows closely behind. The goo put his goggle on as he then begins to lead the way.The pair walks down the unlit hallways, the fox right on the other goo's tail, following close behind.

"The name's Nightcrawler. What's yours, Snowflake?" Nightcrawler flirts. The fox goo blushes a bit, a pet name unheard of to her, "My name is Ghost Fox.." she shyly mumbles out. "Nice to meet you, Ghost Fox!" the lizard goo happily says. They conversated, mostly Nightcrawler, while Ghost Fox simply nods along.

Casually strolling to get to their destination, they come across a group of humans. Nightcrawler infront of Ghost Fox, prepares himself to fight against the humans. These humans have carried powerful weapons with them so it would be difficult to defeat them, he frowns at this thought. He gets down, charging his attack on the human. He looks up, and locks his gaze on one of the humans, targeted on his target. He begins to charge at them, hunting them down. While on the prowl, he notices that Ghost Fox takes action as well. A part of him worries for some reason, a feeling of protectiveness came over him, wanting to protect the goo from getting hurt. But, then he assures himself that she is able to protect herself since all goo's have strong abilities.

With the overly strong abilities the goo's had, they were able to wipe out the group within a few minutes. Nightcrawler wanted there to be bloodshed and murder but not wanting to scare the other goo he restrained himself from doing so. Nightcrawler twitches as he longingly stares at the lifeless knocked out bodies, his fingers slightly moving, he sighs as then averts his gaze and starts leading the way to Grass Cave.

Guiding the Fox to the safe spot, he begins to start a conversation, "You did good out there. You got really powerful abilities. You probably don't even need me to walk you there. You can go on your own if you'd like." NC says. Ghost Fox stares at the ground as she continues walking, "Well... I don't want to walk alone.... I want you to take me there still..." The timid fox mumbles out. Nightcrawler teeth began to show, grining ear to ear, feeling flattered that she would still want him to accompany her to Grass Cave.

"Ah, Okay! Well then, let's keep going!" Nightcrawler gleefully comments, overjoyed,

beaming as he then begins to once again lead the way to Grass Cave.

Proceeding onwards, they managed to final make it to their destination, Grass Cave, the safe spot. "Looks like we're here. It was nice meeting you, Snowflake. I enjoy our time spent together. Maybe we can meet again?" as the Goo puts his goggle up and looks over to Ghost Fox, with the most kind-hearted, soft, facial expression. "Nice meeting you too! I had fun as well. I hope we can meet again soon!" she enthusiastically voices. Nightcrawler begins to walk way, from the way they came from, he waves a goodbye as he then continues to leave, out of eyesight, into the dark. Ghost Fox eyes trained on how until he leaves. Ghost Fox smiles to herself, hoping that they can meet again. Nightcrawler hums to himself thinking of that particular light blue fox gooxtrixian that he happen to randomly meet, wanting to see her again.

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