🍦♡Sweet♡🍦 V1

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      🐱Catte x Vanilla🍦
Catte, Vanilla, GhostFox, and Hazzy were all gathered around the cafeteria tables. 

The girlies usually have a girls night out, hanging out by the cafeteria.Hazzy and Ghost Fox sat next to each other while on the other side Vanilla was sitting beside Catte, they were in quite close proximity but it was normal since they are close, touchy 'best friends'. Ghost Fox and Hazzy found it normal for Vanilla to be protective and touchy with Catte, knowing that they are really good 'best friends'!

As the group chatter about their day and whatever drama or news they hear from other goos from throughout the day. It was time for Ghost Fox to go, "I go to go now. It was great hanging out! I'll see you guys in a bit! Byeeee!" Ghost says hurriedly as she waves a goodbye to all the girlies. The other goos waved adieu to the departing Blue Fox leaving. They continued the conversation with the three leftover. But it soon wouldn't be three as it soon trickled down to two. Hazzy gets up from her seat stretching her back and legs as she yawns aloud, "Aw man... oof, i'm getting tired.. I'm gonna head out now. I'll see you goos in the next lights out! Good baiiii!" Hazzy ushers over to give a quick group hug with the two on the other side of the seated benches. Hazzy giving a side hugs I'm the middle as she nuzzles her face with the two. Hazzy smiles as she gets up, "I better get going now before blackout or power outage appears! You guys should also better get going! I don't want any of you to get hurt during light's out. I'm get going now before I continue talking-! Okay-! Toodle-oo!!!" Hazzy rushes out the cafeteria corridors. They see her disappear when she turns the corner. Now it's left with 2, Catte and Vanilla.

The pair was talking as friends do when subtly Catte muffles a tired yawn between her 2 paws. Vanilla notices this as she then brings it up, "You tired? We can get you to sleep if you'd like" Vanilla benevolently offers with kind-hearted gestures. Catte rubs her eyes, yawning once more, "Okay.. yeah that sounds nice." She sleepily murmurs. Vanilla giggles as she then guides her friend to stand up from her seat. Catte groaned as she then became limp in protest of not standing up, "Mmmmm.. I don't want to move... Can you pick me up Vanilla? Pleaseee~~!" The cat goo begs. Vanilla huffs as she gives a playfully angry/annoyed expression, crossing her arms, "Hmph! Fine! You better give me something in return then." Vanilla gives in as she then picks up Catte. Catte wrapped her legs and arms around Vanilla's whole torso like a baby koala or panda.  Catte lazily slumps her head downward to Vanilla's shoulder, releasing a long, exhausted sigh. Vanilla carries the goo up to the top of the cafeteria with sofas and boxes. Vanilla delicately places the sleepy Catte on the long sofa.

Vanilla begins to release her grip from Catte and to leave to go back to the freezer till  Catte tightly holds on to her paw not wanting her to leave, "Stay..." she says barely above a whisper yet it was heard in the quiet vacant cafeteria for her ears to hear. Vanilla gently holds on to the other paw that holds a powerfully strong grip from a sleepy goo. "Okay, I'm not going anywhere, Catte." She chuckles light-heartedly, as she bends down to Catte's view, Vanilla entangles her paws with other pair that holds onto her, she brings it up to her face and nuzzles it around her face and nose. Catte gazes over at the Ice cream goo, her eyes are heavily lidded, they are so droopy that she will black out any minute but she continues to hold on and outlast her dozing, sleepy body before her consciousness slips away to an unconscious sleep.  Catte's eyes slowly close a shut as her breathing became a slow steady pace. Vanilla felt every force on her paw was left weightless. Vanilla stands up and snakes her paw away from the sleepy cat goo. She then bends over to kiss Catte on the forehead, cheeks, and nose as she quietly says goodnight to the already resting goo. As Vanilla begins to head down to the freezer she hears the mindlessly murmurs of a snoozing Catte, "Vanilla........" The goo voiced out softly as it hangs lightly in the air for Vanilla to hear. Vanilla smiles as she has one last glance at Catte before heading to the freezer.

This is one version of it the other is gorey and it's not done yet -w-;

This yall early Christmas eat it up 💪🙌🤝

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