2 , missed calls

317 10 1

december 29, 2023

"PICK UP , PICK up .." sharky mumbled desperately, holding the buzzing phone in his hand. his tired eyes flashing all around his dark bedroom , not knowing if his friends would pick up the phone at this hour.

beep beep beep

letting go of the breath sharky didn't even know he was holding, he quickly called up another one of his friends, kenny, hoping that he would be the one to save him in his undesirable situation.

beep beep beep

"shit!" the brown eyed man whisper-yelled into the pitch dark room, as if he was trying not to wake anyone. he was now full on panicking, he only had one other person to call, chunkz, and hopefully he would be the one to finally answer the ringing phone.

he waiting in anticipation, sitting down on his bed and starting to bite at his fingernails.

"yo, what the fuck do you want at this hour." chunkz answered the phone in a tired, sluggish voice, wanting to know why the man was calling at 4 in the morning. sharky thought he was imagining it, not believing that someone had answered his calls. he let out a huge sigh of relief, thankful for his friend waking up to the ringing sound.

"hey man, i'm really sorry for calling at 4 in the morning , but i need a ride to the airport and no one else is answering." sharky really hoped he would understand, and he was the only one who picked up the call. there was shuffling heard on the other end of the line before chunkz starting speaking again.

"brother, don't you remember? im on vacation with our friends. the reason why no one is picking up is because we're all sleeping." chunkz replied, and the hope that i barely had was now non-existent. sharky had totally forgot about them leaving to go on a vacation for content, and unfortunately sharky couldn't come. he started to think about the other options he had, which was not very many at all. his car was in the shop being fixed until early january, and no one else was able to drive him to his destination.

"fuck man, i don't know how i'm gonna catch my flight.. it's at 7."

"i'll see what i can do, man." chunkz replied, and his heart started pounding against his chest. a smile immediately blossoms on sharky's features.

"really? thank you so much, i don't know what id do if you didn't answer my call." he didn't really know what this meant, and if chunkz was able to get him a ride or not, but sharky was feeling hopeful again. chunkz has a lot of connections after all.

he then heard chunkz speak once more, "i'll call you in 20 minutes, be ready 'cause i'm going to get you a ride."

"thank you man, you're the best." sharky then tapped the hang up button, leaving him in silence before he pushing up the handle of his suitcase, and wheels it out to his living room. he grabs his backpack, headphones and the rest of his belongings, patiently awaiting a call from his friend.

i want to make these chapters longer, but i feel like i need to develop more of a plot first. this will probably be a short book, and i'm aiming for possibly 20 chapters?? thank u sm for reading .! - a

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