4 , unknown driver

318 13 2

december 29, 2023

hey man, you're driving
me to the airport , right?

hii, yes i am
im a girl btw .

oh sorry !!
youre ava's friend right?

yes , is 5 good to pick you up at?

thank you so much

see you at 5.

okay , so are you just not going
to tell me your name ..?

it's samira.

SHARKY WAS A BIT nervous about a random person driving him to the airport, but he was desperate and a women would kidnap him.. right ?

it was almost 5 and sharky needed to be ready for 'samira' to pick him up at his door. he grabbed all his belongings, and made his way to the large front door.

sharky's phone dinged in his pocket, and he pulled it out to see a new text message from his driver.

im here , where u at ?

corning outside rn


sharky grabbed his suitcase, backpack, and made his way out to the black car parked in front of his house. he saw a figure come outside of the car, and he looked up to see a pretty girl wearing a gray tracksuit looking pretty tired.

"hey, thank you for driving me at such short notice." he said appreciatively, placing his bags into her trunk. the girl that was going to be driving him was tall, and kindly helped him with his luggage.

"no worries, i get it." she responded, closing the trunk and walking towards the drivers side door.

"so, how old are you?" sharky asks once they're settled into the car, trying to ease the awkwardness. as samira starts driving down the road, she answers sharky's question.

"i'm 28, i turn 29 in january." sharky just nods. the awkwardness in the car was suffocating, and he wasnt very good at making conversation with strangers. this was going to be a long car ride.

20 minutes later

the radio played low in the silence of the car, sharky still feeling awkward and tired.

"so, why did you need the ride so late?" samira asked, breaking the quietness of the drive.

"my car is in the shop until early january, and all my friends went on vacation for content. i'm visiting my family for my birthday, and i didn't really want to go with them, but with all of this panic i honestly regret not going." sharky ranted, explaining the cause to all the chaos about making it to the airport.

"oh so you're a youtuber too? ava has told me a bit about your friends, but i didn't know you were apart of it." samira commented. she wasn't really in to watching youtube, and was only on there to watch her friends videos.

"yes, i have my own channel and one with my friends. anyways, what do you do for work?" the brown eyed man wondered, wanting to get to know more about the girl who was driving him.

"i have a pretty big following on instagram, but my actual job is teaching kindergarten." she informed sharky, who was intrigued about her occupation, wanting to know some funny stories about her career.

at this point they were talking for awhile, and sharky totally forgot about his flight, enjoying the conversation that they were consumed in.

"it was nice talking to you , sharky." samira smiled softly at him, pulling into a parking space for the airport. sharky hadn't even realized so much time had gone by , and they were already at his destination.

"yeah, i'll definitely keep in touch. you're a great person !" i complimented her, mirroring the smile she had just given me.

"so are you, do you need any help with your luggage?" samira inquired, and i shook my head.

"thanks so much for driving me, i'll be sure to message you and maybe we can hang out again." sharky suggested , opening his car door.

"of course, bye sharky !"

"bye samira .."

AIRPORT , sharky .Where stories live. Discover now