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"Thank you for the food~"

The group of six were at Garam's place again, hanging out with the teenager and watching movies. Sakura had offered to cook, and Kazuha and Yunjin offered to clean the dishes afterwards.

Yunjin was in charge of drying the dishes as Kazuha washed them, a few thoughts running through the older girl's mind.

It's been a year and almost three months since they had fallen from Heaven, and the change of responsibilities had let Yunjin think of things she never had before.

Up in the clouds, she was constantly busy, either helping older angels or training, especially as she got older.

But when they fell...

She had the chance to see things from a different, more focused perspective... Actually look around and see how people acted around her.

And well, she noticed one person in particular...

She glanced over to show Kazuha that she was listening to what the younger girl was saying, chuckling now and then as the healer talked about the movie they had watched before eating dinner.

She had begun to notice a difference in how Kazuha acted around her compared to their other friends, especially once she started working as a part-time singer at their local diner.

And when she realized... She began to notice a part of her that had slowly grown as the years of them being friends passed by.

She always thought Kazuha was pretty...

Never did she think that she'd think of it in this way.

Yunjin... liked Kazuha.

Not only did she fall from Heaven...

But she fell for the healer as well.

"And that part where the main lead finally gets with the right person and he takes such gentle care for the girl..."

Yunjin glanced back over to Kazuha's side profile, the healer holding a soft smile.

"They're so cute... I'm glad he got with her instead of the other girl."

"I can be that for you."

Kazuha jerked her head over to face Yunjin, the older girl's serious tone and expression catching her off guard.


Yunjin flinched from the frozen girl's reaction and she quickly looked away, awkwardly laughing as she rushed to finish drying the dishes.

"That dinner was good wasn't it? I can never get over Sakura-unnie's cooking."

The healer startled from Yunjin's suddenly stiff tone, her mind still on what Yunjin had said.

"Ah- uh... Yeah... Kkura-chan's food is really good..."


'Did she... really mean that?'


'Did she mean it in the way I think she did???'


"Um- unnie-"

Yunjin faked a yawn, "hm- ah yeah Zuha? Sorry I'm kinda tired."

Kazuha slightly frowned, "ah... No it's nothing."

"You sure?"

The smile Yunjin faked was as clear as day to Kazuha.

"Mhm! I'm... sure..."

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