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i must've falleen aslepbecaus as m eys glimpse open, im back in my bed at the house. Holy shit, it's christmas.

iv always been a fan of christmas ever since i was really young, and now i have more of a reason to be excited.

I throw on some cosy clothes before running down the stairs in my slippers. But noones there and it's pitched black. The fuck..?

All of a sudden, the light switches on and everyone, including the exhausted middle aged men, jump out screaming merry Christmas.

"Shit!?" I yell at the sudden action before pulling my slipper on and throwing it in the general direction ifront of me before apologising to an unimpressed Florence pugh- WAIT WHAT?! FLORENCE PUGH?!

Then I notice the presents under the tree. Oh nooooooo I forgot to get them something. Shittttttttttttttttttttt.

"You wanna open yours?" Rdj asks and I look slightly confused.

"I have gifts?" I double check and he nods.

"The hidden parents in us all drove us to." Lizzie laughs making me smile. "And since we missed your birthday, we all pitched in and got you a gift each." I smile at their kindness.

"Thank you." I tell them all as they direct me to the tree.

"This is mine." Scarlett says, for some reason VERY eager for me to open it quickly. That's when I notice holes in the top of the box. DID THEY GET ME SOMETHING ALIVE?!

I carelessly intie the ribbon and lift the lid to see a small ball of fluff at the bottom. I can't exactly make it out so I carefully pick it up to hear a small meow and see the tip on a black nose. It's completely black with yellow eyes and white paws. "Oh my god. Its adorable." I coo at it.

"I'll hold her while you open the others," lizzie says eagerly so I hand it over gently. Opening the second.

Tje first is from rdj and he got me some waterpark tickets. Then I open another one from scarlett and jts a small note in a big box.

'You, Y/n Y/l/n,
Are invited to so a photos hoot for the outset on the first of January.'

I finish reading it and give scar a big hug while opening a few others which consists of a Nintendo switch, bracelet from hailee with an arrow on it, a hammer from Hemsworth which he found hilarious, and the rest got me nice little things that I cherish so much.

"Thank you, everyone. I'm so grateful." I tell them making everyone smile, even the half asleep renner standing by the coffee pot, pouring a cup of coffee as soon as he finishes his previous one.

"What's the time by the way?" I ask them and scarlett checks her watch.

"Eight thirty." She replies and I nod.

"Do you have any string?" I ask, thinking about the ring that I'll get made into a necklace. "If you don't trust me you can follow." I wait for a moment. "I'll also need scissors. And with that, Florence pugh follows me making me stiffen from nerves slightly.

"You were really good in oppenhiemer by the way." I say making her chuckle.

"Thank you! Good to see another brit." She says making me chuckle.

"That must be around half the cast now." I say and she quirks her head in agreement.

We reach my room and I push tje door open before reaching my hand under the bed until I feel the ring. In moments, the necklace is made and I have it around my neck.

"That's pretty." She tells me and I smile.

"It used to be my sisters until she gave it to me. It wasn't long before she passed and it's all I really have left." She suddenly looks sorrow.

"I'm sorr-," She starts but I cut her off.

"It wasn't anyone's fault so there's no need to apologise." I say making her smile solemnly.


I'm currently sitting on the sofa, the kitten sleeping on my lap, resting on the arm with the brace. I already am so attached to it and called it socks because of jts white paws.

"It's adorable." Lizzie says, sitting next to me and stroking it. I can tell she's gonna be a cool wine aunt.

"Oh. She knows." I laugh slightly while stroking it and watching the movie on elf.

We're now in the
Early afternoon and three christmas movies into the marathon that were currently doing.

Apparently, it's not as common to have a roast dinner in the US so the British people on the cast are in the kitchen area, sorting it out.

Scarlett sits on the other side of me and I lean my shoulder on her. Cat proofing the house wasn't hard because... well, they already had to deal with a Holland and that was pretty much the same thing. ..

Everyone suddenly gets called into the kitchen to eat christmas dinner.

I have the best recipe for roast potatoes and I told benedict so he made them since I can't do anything with my arm without it hurting.

"How's your arm?"Scar asks.

"Well well find out next week when I get the brace removed." I say with a sad smile.

All of a sudden, I get a deep, strong feeling that I'm such a horrible person. What have I actually done that's good?

"Scarr, can we go to a kids hospital and, j don't know, meet them and give them gifts and stuff." She smiles softly before nodding..

"Of course we can." She says while pausinv the movie and standing up.

"Does anyone have any props to do with your character..?" Scarletf asks while getting up.

"Obviously." Most people reply but we can't bring too many people down so we end up picking Hemsworth, who has a thor hammer, Holland, who has his Spiderman mask, scarlett who has her black widow belt with the metal widow bits, Robert who has the glasses, benedict who has the Cape, and hailee who has the bow.

Let's go.

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