Chapter 3

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"Hello River." The Doctor answered, his two hearts beating faster than normal. His lovely, uhm, shall we say friend? For if I told you who she was I would be spoiling everything.

River stood with the sun behind her. Her yellow curls shimmering with the early morning light. She blew the smoke that curled from the end of her gun away and spun the weapon back into its holster.

A instant interest in this fine shootin' woman was taken by Dean, his sights were set on the curly haired archeologist. She had fire in her blood and Dean loved to play with fire.

"River, Amy, Rory, this is Dean and Sam. They're part of the gang now so be nice." The Doctor introduced everyone and was completely oblivious to Deans interest in the two females.

"Nice to meet you Sam," Amy shook the tall man's hand, "Dean." She then shook the shorter mans hand, he gave her a wink along with the introductions as a little 'something something'.

"Sam and Dean. Are you two brothers?" River asked looking up from a boxy looking device.

"Uh, yes ma'm" Sam said tearing his eyes away from the ground for a split second.

"Ma'm? Now Doctor how come you can't find more accidental companions that are so nice?" River asked leaning on his shoulder.

"I never said they were accidental." The Doctor said giving River a sideways look.

"Uh huh." She left it at that with a little smirk to The Doctor.

"Actually we were accidental. You see we were at our house and The Doctor suddenly appeared with us in his TARDIS." Sam said again. Dean hadn't spoken in a while as he was preoccupied with counting every curl on Rivers head without touching them.

"No one is accidental. The TARDIS always takes me where I need to go. She's loyal old girl." He smiled proudly and then whispered to the blue box "aren't you, you sexy thing?"

"He talks to his box? What a loser." Dean sniggered to Sam.

"Oh you're one to talk."


The small group of people lay out on the blanket. The gentle waters of Lake Silencio lapping at the light colored sand. Dean sat in between River and Amy, his long legs stretched out before him, next to River was The Doctor laying on his back staring up at the blue sky. Rory and Sam were busy chatting, Sam sitting closest to The Doctors feet, and Rory sat next to Amy where their fingers were crossed over each other.

"What the he-" Dean started to say as his eyes picked up something in the water, but his voice got quieter as he realized what the something was.

"Doctor, what is it?" Amy asked watching the man get up from his spot and inch closer to the waters edge.

"I'm not quite sure, I mean it looks like a astronaut. But-"

"That's impossible!" Sam exclaimed stating what everyone had coursing through their brains.

"You all stay here, I'll go look at it." The Doctor made his way down to the water, meeting the astronaut face to face. Everyone stood up to get a better look of what was going on.

River had remained silent this entire time, Dean scanned her face and could tell that something was wrong. He came face to face with the astronaut.

They stood there for several minutes doing nothing. Just looking at eachother.

Then it happened.

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