Chapter 4

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A shrill scream pierced the air. Dean almost dropped his beer bottle in shock, Sam took off running through the soft sand towards The Doctor.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, no this can't be real. No." Amy was murmuring. Her hands were practically glued to her face.

River was soon following the younger Winchester down to where The Doctor was laying. Both River and Dean pulled out their guns to shoot at the astronaut descending back into the water. Dean smirked to the curly haired archeologist.

"Dean, The Doctor, he um, well The Doctor needs a doctor. He's going to die without immediate help." Sam said breaking the trance.

"He's already dying." River said staring at the stilling body of the Time Lord.

"Well obviously, he's just been shot." Dean looked down at the odd man, earlier he had seen old light exiting his body. But that was stopped after another shot.

"He's dead." Sam stood up and brushed off his pants.

They looked up on the hill and saw an old Doge truck, a man stood there watching them. He came closer and in his hand was a red gas can. He handed it to River and she nodded without saying a word.

"Load him into the boat." She said biting back emotions from overtaking her voice.

"What?" Dean looked at her sideways.

"You heard me, load him into the boat."

"I'll help you." Rory let go of Amy and went off to drag the small row boat over to where The Doctor's body lay lifeless in the sand.

Carefully the two hunters and nurse placed the alien into the boat, Dean ran his hand through his short hair. What was going on?

"Alright, put him in the water now, please." River couldn't take her eyes off of the body, her fingers fidgeted on the handle of the gas can.

The men shoved the boat into the water and River walked out to it, she poured about half of the can of gasoline onto The Doctor and lit it shoving it out further into the lake.

"Let's go."

"Wait, so this guy just gets shot by a astronaut and you guys just burn him? How about a little respect for the dead here?" Dean's bottle green eyes looked out to the flaming boat on the lake.

"That is respect. It's what The Doctor would want. He's a Time Lord, you just can't bury him." Amy whispered after her long period of silence.

"Amy's right, The Doctor would've asked for it. Time Lords have funerals much like Vikings, or really Vikings have funerals much like Time Lords. But no matter, we need to go." River grabbed Dean's arm and started pulling him.

"Hey, Goldilocks, I can walk for myself. No need to drag me."

"I need to keep an eye on you two." River pointed to the two Winchesters. "You're here for a reason. The Doctor died for a reason. Now I'm going to need all the help I can get to figure this mess out. Also I can't just drop you back home after all this, not just yet."

"Okay, whatever it is that killed The Doctor, Sammy and I will hunt it's butt down."

"It's more than hunting it. This isn't some kind of sport."

"I never said it was." Dean gave River a smug look which rather annoyed her.

"Listen here Winchester, you're going to be here for a while, and I suggest that you get your act together now if you're going to last more than a few minutes with me. I don't take the unnecessary, don't give it to me." She stalked off, Amy and Rory sniggering quietly ahead of her.

"You just got told." Sammy said following the group.

"No kidding."

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