Chapter 6

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"So, you two hunt.... Things?" The Doctor asked dancing around the TARDIS.

"Yeah you could say that. We take care of the things people don't think are real." Sam leaned back on the stairs on his elbows.

"Kind of like us." Rory spoke up. "Except people end up finding out they're real someway or other."

Amy just rolled her eyes at Rory. River was flying the TARDIS with The Doctor.

"You said 1969 right?"

"1969 dear." River smiled at him.

"1969 here we come! Geronimo!" He threw down the last lever to send them swirling off in the little blue box of time travel.

"Can I open the doors up Doctor?" Amy asked excitedly.

"Go ahead, I know you like the view. I can park her for a bit." The Doctor flipped a few switches and turned a few knobs.

Amy pulled open the TARDIS doors exposing the dark vastness of space around them.

"We're just suspended in the fabric of time and space." Sam said matter of factually, his long legs carried him to the door to look out. "This is amazing. Is it okay to stick my head out?"

"The TARDIS has a little oxygen bubble around her. You can float out there as long as someone holds onto you." River smiled at Sam's excited face.

"I uh- I don't think that's a good idea Sammy, what if they loose their grip?" Dean looked very uncomfortable and his face was as white as a sheet.

"Amy has an iron grip, he'll be fine Dean." Rory clapped a hand onto Dean's shoulders and ignored the knives being shot at him from Amy's eyes.

Sam started to let himself out and Amy grabbed ahold of his jeans. He gently floated out like a leaf on the wind. His heavy jacket caught up into the floaty feeling as well swelling out. Sam's dark locks spread out and he couldn't stop grinning.

"We're flying in space!" Sam exclaimed with a laugh.

"Flying?" Dean swallowed hard.

"Like a plane." Amy said smiling at Sam's childlike wonder at the stars around him.

"Sam I think you should come back in now." Dean went back up the console platform and leaned on the railing gripping it.

"Aw come on, just a few more minutes." Sam stuck out his hand wanting to touch the suspended stars which were burning and freezing, creating and destroying, living and dormant wonders. All of them teeming with activity in its own way.

Dean tried to remain calm and hide his iron grip on the thin metal railing.

"Are you okay Dean? You're looking a little pale." River asked putting a hand on his bicep.

"Never better." He chuckled with a nod of his head.

"Just checking." River smiled.

He smirked back and started to hum Metallica. Sam was now back inside and was standing to Dean's left, Amy stood on his right.

"Are-are you humming Metallica?" Amy asked knitting her brows together.

"It calms him." Sam stated.

"Shut up." Dean grumbled under his breath.

"Each to his own I guess." Amy shrugged.



I feel like my brain is the capacity of a prune. This chapter was horrible and short but oh well.

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