Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Erin POV**

I. Am. SO. Tired.

I'm sitting here at work, wondering why I thought it was a good idea to ever have a veterinary office open on Sunday? Right now, at this very moment, every reason I thought of back then seem stupid now. For the life of me... I can't find a good reason now.

I heave a heavy sigh and take a long, slow pull of my, now cold, coffee. It's not good, but I'm too tired to make more and this nasty caffeine is better than no caffeine.

Setting the coffee to the side, I try, really try to pay attention to my computer. I have to get these invoices into it. I have to order more supplies. But I also can't concentrate. My brain is tired and clouded with thoughts of Amy and the kids. How is she? Did she get up? Should I go over there?

So many thoughts are running through my head, that I decide I give up and thumb the bottom of the computer to turn it off.

Just as I'm about to pick up my bag off the floor, the front door bell rings a customer is here.

Damn. I think. Oh well. At least this will give me something else to think about for a while. I make my way to the front.

"Hello. How can I help yo-" I freeze mid step.

"Hello, Erin." He says to me and looks down at his feet.

"You need to leave." I say, low. My mind is reeling. Why the hell is he here?

"Erin, please. We need to talk." He reaches his hand out to me.

I jerk my body back, like he was trying to light me on fire. "No. You need to leave."

"Please.... Erin..." His face falls like he's going to cry and looks down again. It's only now that I really see what he looks like. His once proud shoulders are slumped forward, his blonde hair is dirty and laying limply on his head. He has a five o'clock shadow that's been there for a few days and his clothes aren't any better.

"You look like shit." I murmur, accidentally.

He almost smiles and looks at me. "I look better than I feel, believe me."

"What happened?" I ask. I can't help it, he's been my best friend for ages.

"I...Just. I'm so sorry, Erin." He says and puts his hands on his face and sobs. I haven't seen him cry since his adopted mother died when we were in high school. That chisels at the wall I've built around my heart.

"Erik, I'm not going to say it's okay, because you have to know that it's not. But you're killing me, Dude. What's wrong?" I say and put my arm on his shoulder.

It takes him a few moments to gather himself, but when he does, he takes a big breath and wipes his eyes.

"Come on, sit down." I say and direct him to one of the consulting chairs. After that, I turn back to the door and flip the sign to 'CLOSED' and lock the front door, so we won't be disturbed.

"Erin, I just... I miss you, man. You're the only family I have." He says.

"I miss you, too. But, Dude. I don't know exactly what I can do for you right now. I am still reeling over you and Carol." I say, honestly.

He takes another deep breath. "I know. That's another reason why I'm here..." He says it quietly, almost a whisper, but not quite.

My body stills. "I can't. It's too soon..." There is really no way in hell I am going to sit here and talk about my ex-wife with Erik. I can't. This isn't the way I thought the first conversation was going to go with him after everything.

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