That Fateful Day

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Erin is walking along the beach, really dejected and upset, because his divorce was finalized with his wife, Carol- whom he caught cheating with his best friend, Erik. He spots a little, black, blob, but thinks nothing of it. He sits down and stares out at the waves, when he hears a whimper. He looks around and the little blob moves! Its a puppy and its alive! He gets up quickly and goes to it. It's hurt, hungry and scared. He picks it up and takes it home. But now what does he do?

Amy is a widowed woman with two kids. She is upset because today marks the two year anniversary of her husband's death. To get the kid's minds off of the sadness, she takes them to the beach. They have a wonderful time and there are laughs all around. On the way home, her youngest, Emmett, notices that Flomar, the little Border Collie she had given him, is missing! What should she do? Surely he has ran away. Trying to make it up to him, she makes flyers and posters. While Emmett is at school, she posts them all over the beach they were at.

Some time goes by, with no response. Amy is about to lose hope, when all of the sudden, her phone rings and it changes her life forever.


Hey, guys! I am in the middle of Night Sky still. I am going to finish that story, I just have had this one floating around in my head and I figured, why not? right? lol I hope you like this one, too!! :)

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