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The five gathered up at the dining table as the housemaids serve breakfast.
Before they could start eating the main doorbell went off. Seungcheol beamed, running to open the huge door as he was engulfed in a hug. "Seungcheollie"

Seungcheol's best friend Joshua was abruptly pulled away from the hug.
"Please not my Jisoo."
One of Seungcheol's friend Hansol  gagged "Hyung I'm hungry , I didn't have breakfast." Hansol whines.
"Let's have breakfast all together." Seungcheol leads them to the dining room.
Seungcheol's friends stop as they look over the four males.

"Guys this is Jeonghan, Jihoon, Minghao and Seungkwan." The four stood up and bowed respectfully.
"This are my friends Jisoo-"
Jisoo interrupts Seungcheol.

"What he meant to say is I'm his only best friend, the one and only Lee Jisoo but you can address as Joshua instead." Joshua introduced himself, clearly didn’t need Seungcheol for that.

"Okay, as I was saying my friends Joshua or Jisoo, Seokmin or Dokyeom which ever you prefer, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jun, Hansol or Vernon and last but not least Soonyoung."

"Or tiger's gaze."
Hansol scoffed, "No one is going to call you that hyung."

They took there sits ready to consume the delicious food.
"Where's Chan?" Seungcheol asks.
"Probably hoeing around." Seokmin Chan's second older brother said, Joshua kicks his shin under the table. "That's not a nice thing to say about your younger brother, Chan recently volunteered at an old age home so he's there." Seungcheol hums.

"The clothes you asked for are in the car." Joshua said. "Yeah , thanks."

"Jeonghan here." Seungcheol feeds Jeonghan a cut up sausage, "Good?" Jeonghan shyly nods.
"Ooh~" the group teased. "Hyung I didn't know you had a soft heart." Mingyu teased, Seungcheol glares at him.

"Jeonghan and I will be upstairs in my room , don't disturb." Seungcheol announce grabbing Jeonghan's hand.
"Use protection!" Jun and Soonyoung said at the same time, causing the others to fall into laughter.

Seungcheol sat on the mini sofa in his room, glancing at Jeonghan who sat behind him playing with his fingers.
"You...agreed the to deal." Jeonghan nods not looking up to face Seungcheol.
"I contacted my lawyer, so that I ensure you i won't cheat you, you know as in document signing and stuff.
Seungcheol stands up looking for something in his nightstand drawers.
"Found it...here you go Jeonghan."
Jeonghan examines the brown paper bag. "Just some medicine prescribe by the doctor, I just forget to hand it to you." "Thank you."

"Tomorrow you, Seungkwan, Minghao and Jihoon will be visiting a dietician, I'll be accompanying you is that ok with you?" He nod his head, Jeonghan had an urge to ask Seungcheol what is a 'dietician' but choose not to he fully trust Seungcheol. 

"Your friend Jisoo you two seem close"
Jeonghan himself was surprised, he certainly didn't like butting in others personal lives, but curiosity gets the best of everyone.

"Yeah, back in high school days we used to be a couple."
"So you liked each other?"

Seungcheol vigorously shook his head making a cross sign with his arms.
"I love Joshua but as a friend, he's not my type he for some reason gives off weird and creepy vibes. I would rather lick a public restroom floor then kiss him honestly no offence."

"Then why did you date?" Jeonghan questioned.
"For popularity, it was a mutual decision." "How did you break up?"

Seungcheol found it a little weird the questions Jeonghan asked.

"When Seokmin got transferred to our school, Joshua literally had hearts for him, so we broke up so Joshua could court him." Jeonghan hummed taking in the information.

"You know Seokmin's dad don't accept their marriage because of the age difference but now all is well."
"They are married!" Jeonghan was rather shocked.

Seungcheol nodded, excited to tell Jeonghan about Seokmin and Joshua story. Seungcheol will always found their love story cute and worth hearing.

"After the break up, Joshua some how managed to convince Seokmin and started to court him. After two weeks of courting they went on a date bluh bluh bluh, and started dating."

"What happened after?" Jeonghan shifts a little towards Seungcheol.

Seungcheol chuckles seeing Jeonghan interested about the love story of his two friends.

"Joshua was so obsessed with Seokmin, they love each other so much which is romantically disgusting. Joshua proposed they get married when he turns 18 years, but that didn't happen...."

Jeonghan dramatically gasps, covering his mouth with his hand.
"But why?"
Before Seungcheol could continue the door opens widely showcasing a sulky  Minghao.

"Hyung" Minghao whines, Jeonghan makes his way to the younger.
"What's wrong little one?" Jeonghan pats his head as he embraces minghao.

"The guy downstairs is being weird with me and I don't like it." Minghao snuggled himself closer to Jeonghan. Seungcheol guessed it was Jun trying he's flirting on minghao, judging from minghao's face he didn't understand.

"Minghao?" Seungcheol called out. Minghao hums in response still clinging on Jeonghan.
"The weird guy from downstairs is Jun, just try your best to ignore him he'll let go eventually."

"Seungcheol lets continue the story later."

Jeonghan and Minghao leave the room not forgetting to take the brown paper bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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