Chapter One: The selection

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His vision was blurry and his dreadlocks didn't help him at all!

All the others before him who failed to answer were now hanging. The host an ex-marine then grabbed his chin and asked him in a trilled way "What about you hoodie guy? Do you know what the word is?"Hoodie guy? He was sweating so much  the "hoodie" looked like a shirt! The audience started cheering. "Like a bunch of goddamn savages..." he whispered to himself. He used to be one of these "savages" But now...On the stage with a rope attached to his neck...              Well...

      it wasn't so exciting anymore. ...His lips then started to tremble. If he got it wrong death was waiting. if he got it right, He would participate as a "Hangman" and she would be his coach throughout the games. He examines the board carefully. The only letter written was a "g".8 fucking letters and only one was found! It could be anything!






It was silent for a bit until,

-GENOCIDE! he screeched.

The soon-to-be coach or "Ontario" As the media calls her. Was silent for a bit, Her dazzling smile that used to charm the man during his younger days turned into an odious grimace.  Alarmed by the host's silence, his pupils dilated and his eyes filled with tears. He then began to prey until...

-WE HAVE A WINNER! She grabbed his hoodie sleeve and raised it high. At that exact moment, everyone else who where still alive where hung. He was certain that one of them had cursed him. (said damn you or something) 

The crowd was speechless...All of them were wondering "how" and then threw that feeling away to become deafening again...

The young man didn't care about the noise or how tight her grip was on his arm...All he wanted was to get out. It was over for him! He'd never survived there! During the past few games only the one who went insane where taken out of the game the others were all killed! His life was over! He would never see his family ever again!

When Ontario dropped  his arm, soldiers came  to help him out. When they remove the rope he felt  relived  until, they  brang him somewhere...It looked like an apartment. It was magnificent! It was all so luxurious...Everything looked so comfotable they din't look real!


The executed...

-The executed are always entitled to luxury treatment...

Please tell me what you people think. it's my first time writing (and english is my third language) before someone points out my grammar. I was in a silly goofy mood tbh...:)))))

-The Idiot

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