Chapter 3: Hangman's POV

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That Ontario girly or whatever her name is,

She's sick.

A fucking sadist,

She kept proving me right during the last 3 months of training.

all that training, it was tiring and shit.

Yet, I still find her attractive...Not in a romantic way tho...

She's twice my goddamn age! 

the guys back home were right, I'm a fucking simp, 

Either way, I would have called the goodman cops on her...Well...If they hadn't taken away my phone I would have. 

Phones are prohibited to avoid "leaking info" or sahring it to the world...

Yep, the games are only know in the country,

Like...Not even the damn Untied nations know 'bout it I swear to god.

Of course some other countries are getting suspicoius since during the games NO tourist or anyone that doesn't have a canadian citizen ship is allowed. We can notice that in both news and social media.

I think the worse one is "X?" Yeah...Old people stuff and shit but DAMN the opinion wars that had been going are just crazy

Some people think It's because we're racsit pieces of shit wich is kinda true

some others think it's because we'e doing that to attract tourist(?) 

I don't know why the gouvement would close the acces to the country to then attract tourist but...Okay???


Nah, that's just stupid, why I am thinking that...I mean she does need to go to a mental institute as fast as possible.


 the past few months were a pain in the ass, lifting weights (even though I used to hit the gym, that was hardcore training I swear to god) and learning how to disamorce bombs...I still don't get why...Maybe it's challenging related...?

 I hope not.

Also, I learnt how to shoot with small guns, not the big cool ones that Ontario had in her office. 

-They're harmless hun, don't worry

is what she said

Yet, I aways felt like she would grap one and blow my brains out at any momment.

She kept the bodies of her old students on a stage, 

who knows?

I had a training routine and sometimes she'd come to watch me behind that big ass glass. Sometimes, she would bring others like the blond or white haired coach or PEI. Damn, I don't remember. Not only her would come but others too like...Quebec...?If I'm not wrong...He's the one with a robotic forearm?

 From the rumours I heard, he lost it at war--a terrible injury--he also grew a beard since the last games, and it fit him well.


I think I heard that bitch ask Ontario "He's black?!"...


I swear to god...

Is he racist?

 That was rude as hell and not necessary at all.

Or maybe, I was paler on screen-During the selection games- I was so scared I probably had really pale skin...Meh...Who knows?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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