The Quenching of Day

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Silence fell over stark highland slopes. No longer did curlews' shadows skim the grassy shelving stone of the heights; gone their mournful cries, like starving children lost in the wilds.

Mists lapped at the mountains and swallowed the sun, which died like a red-hot coal plunged into water. Night started its creeping advance.

A fox yipped from a crag. Another answered from a gully's dim depths.

Startling at the sound, starlings burst from waterside willows, skirling up into the charcoal sky -- great swirls and swaths like living smoke. Among their shimmery gauze gleamed one last cinder.

The evening star.


Prompt: star

How many "star-" words can you find?    :D

Photo by Pete Godfrey on

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