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A lumberjack Swede named Jon Persson
Bade farewell to his sweetheart so winsome.
"I'll come back in a year
To marry you, dear."
Then he sailed off to log in Wisconsin.

Jon made lots of money at once,
Working hard for several months.
The rest of that year
He spent all on beer
And on harlots and gambling, the dunce!

Jon waxed ever more dissolute,
Crude and lewd, uncouth, destitute.
His forsaken bride
Aged and sickened and died
While he loitered afar, heartless brute.


prompt: dissolute

Based on an account by my great-uncle Jesse of a fellow he encountered in the logging camps in Wisconsin. He Americanized the guy's name to John Peterson.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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