Blind Date

164 18 8

My eyes fluttered open delicately as I watch the tiny specs of dust dance around the light boring into my vision. Suddenly, my eyes wander around the unfamiliar bedroom and I widen them as my mind slowly reminds me of yesterday's events. It's not long after I feel something heavy on my body and someone's body warmth mingling with mine. I turn to my side and see Jungkook sleeping next to me, one arm protectively wrapped around my waist, facing me. My heart almost drops out of my chest but I remember how we ended up sleeping together.

Eventually, the discussion yesterday whether to sleep on his bed or not was for nothing, because we both ended up sleeping together in his bed.

It's the first time I can admire his face up close in daylight without feeling intimidated or shy, due to the fact that he sleeps calmly with steady breaths, chest heaving slowly and calmly. He looks so innocent and if it wasn't for his dangerous looking tattoos and scars, I would even claim that he looks like an angel.

A devil looking like an angel..

But somehow.. that devil took a liking to me. And a little spark inside of me hopes that this exception is just meant for me.

The sun lights peeking from the window cast a beautiful glow over his pristine tattoed skin and my attention goes to his long lashes laying lazily on his golden face.

I would kill to have these lashes.

My hands reach up to my own face and I can feel how swollen it is, especially my eye area and I remember how I cried clutching onto him yesterday. I remember the sweet and soft whispers he gave me while hugging me tightly, drawing reassuring circles on my back.
My heart immediately starts beating faster as I think about all the emotional moments we had yesterday night while still looking at his sleeping face.
My eyes travel down to his soft and pink lips which are slightly parted as he breathes softly.
The lips which almost touched mine..
I gulp the exitment down but I can't get the words he said against my neck yesterday off of my head

"You drive me crazy.."

Suddenly, the excitement which I try to gulp down builds itself in my lower stomach, and I wonder how hard I gulped to the point that it landed there.
A dangerous place.

But as soon as I remember how I got into this position in the first place and the confrontation I'm going to have soon, my stomach turns and I feel uneasy inside.
Slowly, I try so slip out of his grip, careful not to wake him up since it's pretty early in the morning and I know that I took much of his energy last night. Emotional energy.

I manage to stand up, as he slowly shifts from one side to the other, mumbling something inaudible in his sleep, causing me to smile at his cute sleeping habits.
Unfortunately, I have to part from his comfy and heavenly smelling clothes as I slipped into my own ones.
I fold his clothes neatly and put them on his desk with a little note on a post-it I've found on his desk as well saying :
"thanks for everything..again,

When I'm about to sneak away, I'm caught by Jin, who's lazily nipping on his morning coffee.
"Oh, you're up? Don't you want to have breakfast before you leave?", he asks and I put my index finger on my lips, signaling him that Jungkook's still sleeping and he immediately lowers his voice
"How did you sleep?", he whisper-shouts and I respond with "really good" avoiding his gaze shyly knowing that he's probably aware of us sleeping together.
He smirks and cockily says
"Hope you didn't have too much fun" and I widen my eyes in shock hitting his shoulder in hopes of reducing the embarrassment by doing so.
He laughs silently and tells me he's joking, leaving me with flushed cheeks.
Now I know where Jungkook got his teasing habit from.

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