The Garden of Eden

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4004 BC

The archangel Raphael stood on the wall of the Garden. He was thinking about something, he worried he made a mistake by helping the humans.

His thoughts were cut short when a Swan flew beside him and turned into a 5'10 man with white-blonde hair that had a single black streak in his bangs, a bit of a beard, and red eyes that contrasted with his pale skin.

The Angel looked at the demon.

"Well, that went down faster than an led balloon" the demon commented.

The Angel chuckled nervously "Sorry, what did you say?"

The demon looked at the Angel "I said that went down like an led balloon"

"Yes, it did"—"It was kind of an overreaction if you ask me. It's their first sin, I don't even see the difference between good and evil in all honesty." The demon stated.

"Well it must be bad, Um-"—"Zira"—"Zira," the Angel said then the demon nodded. "Otherwise you won't have tempted them into eating the apple," the Angel said.

"Hell just said to come make some trouble," the demon said in a relaxed tone.

"Obviously, demons are meant to make trouble," the archangel said a bit nervously as he looked towards the storm clouds blowing over.

"Bit obviously though. I mean it's a big tree of fruit in the middle of a garden that they aren't allowed to touch." The demon commented. "Why not just put it somewhere they can't reach? Makes you wonder what god's planning is."

"Let's not question things, everything has a role in the great plan." Raphael quickly responded. "It's inevitable"

"The great plan's inevitable?"—"Exactly"—"It's beyond us and beyond-"—"Didn't you have a sword?" The swan demon interrupted.

"Uh-"you did, it was on fire. What happened to it?"—"Umm-"—"Lost it already?"—"I gave it away-"—"You, what?"—"I gave it away!" Raphael exclaimed. "There are dangerous animals, it's cold, and Eve is expecting a child!.... I hope I didn't do the wrong thing..."

"Oh you're an archangel, I don't think you can do the wrong thing," Zira said. Raphael smiled "Thank you.."

The two watched for a minute as Adam started fighting off a lion with the sword.

"I'm honestly wondering if I did the right the right thing by getting them to eat the apple. Demons can get into tons of trouble for doing the right thing." Zira stated before they watched in silence again.

The swan then spoke "Be funny if we both did the opposite, I did good while you did bad"

The Angel started to chuckle but then realized and exclaimed "No! That wouldn't be funny!"

The storm then came. Raphael held up his wing to act as shelter for the demon who moved closer to the Angel due to the rain.

Neither of them knew that before the start of time, they set off a chain of events that would change the course of plans.

With Zira being a demon was not supposed to happen. Raphael was supposed to be a demon. No archangel caught the mistake though so things continued.

This was the start of what we know as "Bad Tidings"

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