Character Profile

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[Last Name]            [Name]

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[Last Name]            [Name]

Eye Color: Gold

Hair Color: Reddish Light Brown

Physical Age: 18

Height: 5'7

Ethnicity: Chinese

Race: Monkey Demon

Personality: (Name) can be very playful when it comes to interacting with others. Most people he meets describes him as a trickster of sorts, but it isn't really his personality. He really is a die hard fan of most characters but masks it easy with his body memory of how he recalls monkey acted in one of his favorite childhood shows: Lego Monkey Kid. Although he does share his boyish charm with the original Monkey King.


Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics (Sun Wukong is the most acrobatic entity in Journey of The West, being able to leap thousands of miles, alongside leap over the ocean and even to heaven and earth), Flight via his cloud (Can travel interstellar to even universal distances through this cloud), Magic (Sun Wukong utilizes magic, being one of the most gifted in the universe), Stealth Mastery (Infamous for being extremely crafty, even managing to trick and steal from the gods themselves many times), Immortality (Type 1, 3, 4, 5; Removed his name from the Registry of Hell and ate the Peaches of Immortality, alongside the Pills of Immortality; This means that Sun Wukong effectively cannot die by any conventional means, as he is outside the influence of life and death), Martial Arts (Stated to be a master of martial arts and is one of the best in the verse), Regeneration (Mid-High; Can regenerate his body after having been reduced to Ash by the Seven Trigrams Furnace), Weapon Mastery (States that he can use any weapon, no matter how big or how heavy), Enhanced Senses (He can see through any disguise, illusion or transformation), Duplication (Through pulling out his hair, Wukong can turn it into hundreds of thousands of clones), Weather Manipulation (Casual generates hurricanes that he can ride. Blew so hard the Earth turned dark), Size Manipulation (Regularly alters his size, to be that of a 20 mile tall being to as small as an ant, to hide under leaves), Shapeshifting (Capable of altering his body to resemble animals, plants and even inanimate objects like buildings), Biological Manipulation (Can an change the amount of limbs he has, to the point where he can reach tens of thousands of arms), Light Manipulation (Can shoot beams of light from his eyes, such as when he bowed to the 4 cardinal directs), Chi Manipulation (Has access to the chi energy in his body and can utilize it), Non-Physical Interaction (Could fight against conceptual and spiritual beings, such as the constellations), Invisibility (Can become invisible to the naked eye), Barrier Creation (Can generate barriers for better production), Has the ability to break any lock, Resurrection (Wukong has one life for each of his 'infinite' transformations)
Resistance to Heat Manipulation (Stayed 49 days within the Seven Trigrams Furnace. Drank Molten Copper while sealed under the Five Elements Mountain), Spatial Manipulation (Could endure the abilities of the Points of the Compass), Probability Manipulation (Has more luck that Mighty Miracle God) and all the abilities of the gods in heaven (It's stated that nothing in Heaven could put down Sun Wukong, with the fought having lasted for ages)
Non-Corporeal, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Acausality, Immortality (Types 1, 3, and 4), Physics Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Transdualism, Omnipresence, Nigh Omniscience
Destructive Ability: Moon Level (His clash with Nezha was stated to have shook the planet and cause mountains to tremble beneath them with just their blows alone, meaning that his blows should be this powerful), Large Planet Level through Size Manipulation (Boasts that he can "could pull the moon down from the sky with my two hands", which would yield this much energy) | Multi-Solar System Level (Shook the universe when fighting against The Constellations from across the heavens. Defeated over 600 thousand pantheons of gods some of which were the embodiments of 28 Constellations), likely High Universe Level (Terrified the Dragon Gods, the same beings who could create infinite realms) | Metaverse Level (He managed to achieve Nirvana which according to Buddhist teachers is transcendence of all concepts and boundaries and ascension to a state of absolute boundlessness existing outside of all of existence, all concepts and dimensions)
Speed: Relativistic+ travel speed (Sun Wukong is consistency stated to be able to travel thousands of miles within a second with casual ease and when leaping, he can reach tens of thousands miles), Massively FTL+ combat and reaction speed (Has the reactions necessary to pilot his cloud, which is capable of reaching the heavens at speeds much more faster than Venus, who can do so in mere moments. Stated that he's fast enough to travel under the sun and moon without leaving a shadow) | Massively FTL+ (Traveled to the ends of the universe with merely a leap, which would be this fast) | Omnipresent (When you achieve Nirvana, you encompass and become with all of existence itself)
Lifting Ability: Class 1 (Regularly carries his staff, which weighs 7,960 kilograms), Class E (Stated that he's capable of pulling down the moon with his bare hands) | Class E (Much stronger than before, also surpassing his previous transformations, including ones that can grow the size of Earth's distance to the moon and grab the moon) | Irrelevant (Exists beyond conception and space-time)
Striking Ability: Moon Class (Produced a tremor of this magnitude from simply clashing with Nezha), Large Planet Class through Size Manipulation (Can shake the planet with his causal blows and can move the moon from the sky) | Multi-Solar System Class (Shook the entire universe and fought several sentient constellations from across heaven), likely High Universe Level (Likely superior to the Dragon Gods, who can create infinite realms) | Metaversal (As an achiever of Nirvana, his existence has transcended absolutely everything possible and exists merely as a boundless entity free of limitation, boundaries, and concepts as to Nirvana these things are mini obstacles in life)
Durability: Moon Level (Could endure attacks from Nezha and survive his clashes) normally, up to Large Planet Level through Size Manipulation. High Universe Level through Immortality (Incapable of being killed by any deity, not even by the Jade Emperor himself) | Multi-Solar System Level, likely High Universe Level (Can endure hits from the strongest of gods in heaven and also likely can tank blows from The Dragon Gods) | Metaverse Level (Is free of all limitation and Boundaries as Nirvana is the state of absolute transcendence)
Stamina: Nigh-Infinite | Nigh-Infinite | Irrelevant
Range: Extended Melee Range normally, Varies with Transformations and Ruyi Jingu Bang. Through transformations, he can be as little as 20 miles to being able to grow the size of the Earth-Moon System at most | Metaversal
Intelligence: Quite High. A master of virtually all forms of martial arts. Trained under the supreme Taoist sage Subodhi for 20 years | Nigh-Omniscient (Knows everything there is to know as Nirvana allows the user to know nearly all there is to know in existence)
Weaknesses: Sun Wukong often fools around and rarely takes his opponents seriously. Can be sealed by High-Ranking deities such as Guan Yin.

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