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New World, New Body

Slender hands laid on the verdant grass. Long delicate fingers curled up, clenched in a light fist as though it was a petal sucking up the sun— almost greedily. A body was laid in a clearing in a forest, in a vacant spot, empty of trees. In the scenery, birds began to land on the unconscious body. Pecking their way to the fallen buds of flowers, laying on the unconscious male's chest. Curious about their color.

Yellows, Pinks, Reds petals fluttered on the male, making his complexion hold life. A sleeping beauty to the curses of the world. If he could be called that. The boys features were unusual to the very least introspective people. His features and characteristics of his face and body showed the abnormalities of his person. Sharp pointed ears with a monkey tail was the distinction of his build. What was even more eye catching would be the red smudge that was on his cheeks, nose, and eyes. If it was that bright, paired with his reddish hair, then it wouldn't have looked like blood, but they were still his features.

A groan began to leave his lips, scaring the birds and the surrounding wild life. Swollen eyes creaked open, squinting at the blazing sunshine above him. Confusion began to set in for the male as he sits up hurriedly in a panic. "What the—" looking around, forest was seen. Different colors of green blended together in a mystical way. This wasn't where he lived. His environment wasn't this beautiful. Global warming was what destroyed its potential to be this pretty.

Standing up, the unknown male stumbled.

'Mom always called me clumsy, but I'm never this bad while walking!'

(Name) stables himself with a swing from something behind him. It felt natural of whatever he was feeling on his lower back. He hummed, looking back curious of why he stabilized so fast.

A long brownish red tail stared back.

He continued to stare at it before bursting out in a scream while running in circles. As if hoping to run away from the slender appendage on his back.

'What's happening? Why do I have a tail like some kind of monkey?' He continues to run, holding onto the idea of tiring himself out to give himself time to think, but that time never came. He's been running around for the past forty minutes and still felt full of energy. He knew he wasn't the most athletic so this stamina was something unnatural to him. When did he get so much stamina?

He stops while looking at the tall grass and flowers on the ground. They were lilies, he noted, as he thought of his situation. He didn't feel right. He felt stronger, had more stamina, and a furry tail on his back. Which concluded that this wasn't his body. Something that screamed obvious to him now, which he regards with embarrassment.

He should've known, his hands never looked this nice before.

"Maybe I need to find a lake or river? Yeah that's a good idea! I can see what I'm dealing with then." Patting himself on the back, he leaves off in a direction. Hoping that the running water he was hearing close by was either of the two.

After 5 minutes, he arrived to his destination. A beautiful stream reflected the sun rays as the wind passed the scent of lilies and honey suckles in the air. If he wasn't in such a frenzied state then he would have enjoyed the scenery right in front of him.

Looking into the reflection of the stream, a pair of honey dew eyes stared right back at him. They were sharp and beautiful, their shade of gold mesmerizing to even him— the host. Although his haze was stopped by the red on his face. Was that a smudge? He thought while gathering water in his hand. He splashed the water onto his face before beginning to wipe.

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