A Weird Feeling

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As a worker for the Ars Goetia, specifically a maid, you've seen your fair share of events. What you didn't see, though, is how much a certain Goetia was starting to fall for you from afar.

Your day started just like it usually did. You woke up, got ready for day, cleaned up and got the kitchen ready for breakfast, and went on with your duties. Sometimes your duties would consist of assisting King Paimon with his work, but after his son was born, you've become Prince Stolas's attendant. The owlet was an exuberant child, bustling about the castle with quick steps throughout the halls. It was a hassle keeping up with him, but you managed.

Once the prince was finally starting with his studies, it gave you some time to rush to the kitchen for a tea set so Stolas could have a drink with his studies. Once you got to the kitchen, you pulled out a small stool from the cupboard and stood, grabbing the tea set off of the top of the sink. You weren't the tallest of demons as you were an imp. For an imp, though, you had more height than most. Sadly, it didn't help you as much as the kitchen was still made for tall owl demons.

You quickly grabbed the different types of tea, some sugar, boiled water in the kettle, and grabbed a few snacks before hastily making your way back to the study. Thankfully, when you reached the study, Stolas was still sat in his chair reading over his notes. You made your way towards him and set the teaset down gently, gaining his attention.

"Good afternoon, Prince Stolas." You spoke, dipping your head. "Oh! Good afternoon, Miss [Y/N]!" Stolas smiled back at you, a happy chirp erupting quietly from his throat at seeing you. He saw you as a close friend, someone who he could talk to and share his interests with. He closed his book, using a bookmark to mark his page before he pushed it gently to the side.

"What tea would you like today?" You asked, picking up the tea kettle carefully. He tapped his beak, thinking before smiling and speaking. "Earl Grey tea, please!" You chuckled at Stolas's enthusiasm, making him a small cup of tea and scooting it towards him. He took the tea happily, taking a sip and smiling brightly.

The first time you met the prince, he was just a little baby. Newly hatched, he was boisterous and meddlesome, and now that he's older he's kept that personality. Thankfully, he isn't as rude or as problematic as his relatives. Last time they visited, they broke an expensive vase and got berated heavily. That didn't stop them from causing anymore problems, though.

As Stolas drank his cup of tea, you put a few of the snacks out on small plates for him to choose from. Immediately, you saw his eyes widened in excitement as he slightly bounced in his seat. "Oooo! Hors d'oeuvres! Do I get all of them or just one?" He asked, tilting his head and smiling. "You can choose between the ones you wish to enjoy. Your lunch should be brought to you soon, Prince Stolas. We wouldn't want to ruin your appetite." You chuckled, watching as Stolas contemplated which snack he wanted.

Stolas then reached for the plate that had small wafers, snacking on them lightly while drinking his tea. You quickly packed up the teaset, taking the dirty dishes and bowing towards Stolas once more before leaving. As you left the study, you heard Stolas shout out his goodbye and that he hopes he would see you again soon. Though, walking down the halls, you couldn't help but feel as though someone was watching you.

You quickly made your way towards the kitchen, going to grab yourself some lunch as you missed breakfast. You're greatful the king allows you and your coworkers to eat from his own kitchen, just no food that was expensive. That meant you and your coworkers had to fill your own fridge with food since everything was expensive that the Goetia's ate, but you didn't mind.

You opened the fridge, and reached for your lunch box. You always make your lunch the night before, and always made sure to hide it since there's a lunch thief among your coworkers. You don't know who, but someone ate a chefs tuna casserole they made for themselves and that started a fight that almost ended up in a casualty.

You had a chicken sandwich you bought from a fast food joint yesterday night when you were off of work. You couldn't remember the name of the fast food joint. Was it Quick Crunch? No, that's the trashy buffet in the gluttony ring that's surprisingly still in business. Was it Savor Street? No, that's another business in the Gluttony ring but is also way too expensive.

Whatever fast food joint it was, it had some good and cheap food. That's all you knew. You grabbed your lunch and opened it, putting the Chicken sandwich on a plate and heating it in the microwave. You were quick to eat, as you didn't want to be away from your duties for too long. As you finished eating and cleaned up though, you couldn't help but feel like someone was watching you again.

You continued on with your duties, ignoring the lingering gaze you could've swore you felt at times, and soon escorted Prince Stolas out of the library and began to escort him to dinner. On the way, the owlet had a lot to say about what he did, and specifically, what he read.

"I found more books on plants today! I usually read "Hell's Herbal Encyclopedia: An In-depth Look at Diabolic Flora and Their Uses", but the new one I found was called "Infernal Flora: Exploring the Botanical Wonders of The Wrath Ring"! Did you know that Xegon plants were used over 20 centuries ago to create toxins that killed angels!?" The owlet rambled on happily, feet patting against the ground and tail swaying eagerly as he spoke.

You only nodded, listening to him ramble as you both soon made it to the kitchen. There in the kitchen was Stolas's dad, Paimon Goetia, sat at the dining table with a cup in his hand. He stared at you and Stolas as you both walked into the kitchen, the Owlet quickly heading to his seat at the table.

"Greetings, father!" Stolas chirped happily, smiling at his dad. Paimon looked at Stolss blankly, blinking at him and taking a sip of whatever drink was in his cup as a few butlers entered the room holding trays. On the trays was their food, and even though you didn't find it appetizing, the Owls did. There was Broasted Mouse and Smoked Salmon with Sour Roc Mousse.

You quickly left the kitchen to let the Goetia's eat in peace, but before you did you looked back once more at them. When you did, you noticed Paimon looking at you with squinted eyes before focusing on his food once more, and that's when tou realized where the feeling of being watched came from.

It came from none other than King Paimon himself. He had been watching you.

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