The Next Morning

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Later that night, you returned to the staff chambers and entered your own private room. You got changed for bed, putting your clothes from that day in your laundry basket beside your door. You kept your room fairly clean, a few books were laying around but nothing made it messy. Of course, there were times when you didn't clean your room for a few days, but it wasn't as bad as your coworker in the next room.

You then checked your phone, making sure your alarm was set for the morning. Once you made sure it was, you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth before laying down in your bed.

The books in your room were ones Stolas requested you to read and wanted your opinion on. You couldn't say no, he was just a sweet kid who wanted to share his interests. It's a shame his father doesn't show him much attention, you thought. Stolas doesn't have a mother, and his father spends almost all day away from his child.

You would keep your thoughts to yourself, of course. If you were to speak up and say something to King Paimon, who knows what would happen. The last imp who did hasn't been seen since. Soon enough, you drifted off to sleep, enveloped by your own thoughts.


You awoke the next morning to your alarm, your favorite song playing as you had set it so when you woke up, it wouldn't be to something annoying. You quickly got up, heading to the bathroom to get ready. You took a shower, brushed your hair, brushed your teeth, and got dressed for the day.

You wore your work uniform, a simple victorian maid dress with small alters to your frame along with white lace trim along the hem of a dress. You also chose to wear small heeled black boots to add a bit more to your height. Once you were ready for the day, you exited your room and left the servants quarters.

You made your way to the kitchen, quickly making yourself something small for breakfast and quickly cleaning the dish before going to make sure Stolas was awake. You quickly made your way to the young prince's bedroom, heels clicking hastily against the floor down the hallway before knocking lightly on his door.

You slowly cracked open the door, seeing Stolas slowly stir awake as he yawned and stretched. His feathers were ruffled from sleep, his eyes blinking open tiredly as he rubbed them before slowly getting out of his bed. "Good morning," he yawned, slowly walking over to his vanity. He sat in the chair, yawning lightly as you walked over to him.

You grabbed a brush made for avian demons and began to brush his feathers, smoothing them down and smiling. "Good morning, young prince. Did you sleep well?" You reached for a small container of volumizing mousse, opening it and pulling out a small amount as you began to apply it to the feathers atop of Stolas's head.

"Mhm.." Stolas hummed lightly, beginning to nod off. As you helped him get ready and got his clothes out for him, you made sure he stayed awake and didn't fall back asleep. Once he was fully dressed, you both headed to the kitchen and he took a seat at the table. "What is it you'd like for breakfast, young prince?" You asked, watching as he tapped his beak lightly before he smiled.

"Ginger and honey toast with Hazelnut spread, please." He affirmed, kicking his legs lightly as you quickly made him what he asked for. It was simple enough, and you made a slice or two extra incase the prince wanted more. Once you put the plate on the table along with a cup of Vanilla Rose tea, you heard the door to the kitchen open.

There standing in the doorway was Paimon, glancing at the two of you before making his way over to the table and taking a seat across from his son. "What would you like for breakfast, my lord?" You bowed lightly towards him, watching as he glanced from his son to you.

"Smoked hell heron." He spoke bluntly as an imp hastily gave him a newspaper. You nodded, turning to go notify a chef to make him what he asked for. Once the chef had finished, you quickly brought the dish to Paimon, setting it on the table along with a cup of black coffee. It surprised you at first, finding out that rich royal bird demons drank coffee, but it quickly became understandable. After all, owls are usually nocturnal, so being awake in the morning must be tiresome for them.

You watched as Paimon took a sip of his coffee, reading whatever news the newspaper held and slowly eating his breakfast. Stolas tried to make small talk with his father, asking him if he slept well or what the newspaper said. All he got were smalls chirps and chitters out of his dad, but nonetheless, Stolas seemed pleased with the small sounds his father made as a response.

Stolas soon finished his plate, and you went to reach for the plate. Stolas quickly took the plate instead, but as soon as he grabbed it, Paimon spoke sharply. "Stolas, you know we have servants for a reason. You shouldn't be doing their job for them." He shot a slight glare at you, before taking another sip of his coffee and standing from his seat.

"My apologies, father. I just thought it'd be nice." Stolas spoke quietly, looking up at his father as he fidgeted with his hands nervously. You took the plate along with Paimon's dishes and brought them to the sink. As you did, you watched as Paimon leaned over Stolas, glaring at him. "You should know this by now son. First it was bowing to peasants." You watched as Paimon shook his head, heading towards the door. "You better be doing well in your studies."

Stolas nodded, hanging his head low as his dad left the kitchen. You put the dishes in the sink and walked over to Stolas, patting his head lightly. "It's alright, young prince. Your dad was raised differently, and I'm sure he wants what's best for you." You smiled at him lightly as he looked at you. "Just keep being the sweet soul you are, and everything will be okay." Stolas smiled at you and nodded, his tail feathers swaying slightly.

You quickly left the kitchen, following Stolas to the library to help him with his studies. As you followed him, you decided to slowly fall behind, and when he was far enough away you stopped and turned around. Behind you a few feet away was Paimon, and he didn't look happy.

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