Unhappy Owl

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Paimon stared down at you, squinting his eyes with a frown evident on his beak. You looked up at him calmly, your tail lightly curling around your ankle. He quickly took notice, seeing that you weren't going to talk against him, and he began to speak.

"I don't approve of how you treat my son." His feathers puffed up as he spoke, looking at you to gage your reaction. "What do you mean, my king?" You bowed lightly, looking up at him with slight confusion.

"I don't like how you're making him soft." Paimon spat, a low hiss rumbling from him as he continued to speak. "He doesn't need an imp to parent him, it'll just make him seem weak. He's fine as it is. I suggest you stop being all motherly towards him, before he becomes too soft for his own good." As his feathers puffed out in agitation, he turned around, not letting you respond. He quickly made his way down the hall and left, small hoots of agitation coming from him as he turned the corner.

You sighed, quickly turning back around to chase after Stolas. He stood infront of the library confused, looking at you as he tilted his head at a weird angle. "Why did you randomly vanish?" He looked at you with confusion, a small nervous hoot slipping from him as he waited for your answer. "I was just speaking with your father, my apologies Prince Stolas." You bowed your head, looking at Stolas and seeing his feathers puff up at the mention of his dad. "Is everything alright? Are you in trouble??" He let out a sharp whistle, looking at you with worry. You could tell he was concerned with how white dots lightly appeared in his red eyes.

You shook your head, smiling at him lightly. "I assure you that everything is alright, young lord." You watched as he slowly relaxed, his feathers slowly laying flat as he let out a small sigh of relief, smiling as he clasped his hands together. "That's good to know."

You smiled at him before opening the door to the library, motioning for him to enter. "Trust me, if I was in trouble you would know. Now let's get started on your studies, shall we? If you study, I'll make sure you get extra dessert after dinner." Stolas immediately perked up hearing that, quickly rushing into the library and towards his seat. You chuckled lightly, closing the door behind you


Stolas had done really well with his studies, so much so that all throughout dinner he was telling his dad all of the new stuff he learned. Paimon didn't seem to listen much, but when he did he gave a small nod or a chitter of acknowledgement at what his son was saying. Once it was time for Prince Stolas to turn in for the night, you helped him settle into the soft comforter on his bed. As you were about to tuck him in, you felt as if someone was watching you. Turning around, you noticed King Paimon standing in the doorway of the bedroom, slowly entering as he stared at you.

"Oh! Hello, King Paimon." You were surprised to see him, dipping your head in a greeting as Stolas let out a small chirp of surprise. "Greetings, father!" Stolas spoke, looking at his dad with wide eyes. Paimon pushed past you, sitting on his son's bed and patting Stolas's head as he opened his beak. "I just wanted to tell you goodnight, Stolas. From what you've told me, your studies are going well. In the future, I expect your studies to be doing even better." Paimon spoke, looking down at Stolas.

You watched as Stolas's eyes widened, a smile forming on his beak as his eyes lit up at his father's praise. "Of course, father! I'll continue to do exceptionally well!" Stolas's feathers ruffled happily, his dad letting out a small coo as he stood and headed to leave the room. As he did, Stolas chirped out to his dad, wishing him a good night's rest.

You were surprised to see a sudden display of affection from Stolas's father towards him. Nevertheless, you finished tucking Stolas into bed, wishing him a good night's rest as you left the room. Your steps echoed throughout the quiet hallway, making your way towards your private chambers for some rest. You were still surprised by King Paimon's sudden decision to wish his son a goodnight, but then again he probably wished to show how proud he was to his son in some way. You brushed it off as a rare display of affection between young Prince Stolas and King Paimon that not everyone got to see as you reached your chambers, preparing to head to bed.
The next morning, you were told that your work schedule had been changed that day. It surprised you, as you weren't notified, yet you also believed something must've come up. When you took a loot at your schedule for the day, however, you were assigned no tasks with Stolas like you usually were. You weren't assigned to wake him up, you weren't tasked to help him study, and upon closer inspection it also seemed that nowhere in your schedule would you be seeing him.

It confused you, wondering why your schedule had been changed so suddenly. Perhaps a worker got sick? Maybe one of them even got fired? You weren't entirely sure, but you also didn't wish to question anything either.

You got ready for the day, combing your hair and brushing your teeth like normal before getting dressed. You were assigned to the garden this morning, meant to feed the carnivorous plants that King Paimon liked to keep. You decided 30 minutes early would be a good time to get a head start on your schedule as the garden was all the way on the other side of the palace and you didn't wish to get behind on duties.

You quickly made it to the garden, getting the food for the carnivorous plants (which was just slabs of meat) and you began to feed them. They seemed aggressive, though you've never been around these plants before so you believe it's just how they normally are. A lot of these plants had eyes, and from what you could see, they were squinting at you. Judging you, almost.

Just as you got to the last few plants to feed, you heard a rumbling sound coming from hells version of a giant pitcher plant. Looking over, you noticed King Paimon petting it gently, looking at the plant as it stared back at him. He then looked at you, a small hoot mixed with a huff coming from his beak as he sat down at a table in the garden.

Quickly finishing up feeding the plants, you turned to leave only to be stopped. "And where do you think you're going?" King Paimon's voice echoed throughout the garden, and you could feel his eyes locked onto you. "I was about to start my next duty, your magesty." You spoke, turning around to face him and bowing slightly. You saw his beak open and then snap closed, his eyes looking around as if he was thinking before he opened his mouth again to speak.

"Fetch me some tea. I'm thirsty and could use a morning refresher." King Paimon spoke bluntly, looking at you and waiting to see what you'd do. You let out a small quiet sigh as you nodded. "Alright, your highness. What tea would you like this morning?" You knew he was testing you, you could tell by how his gaze was watching for any sign of agitation or defiance against what he asked.

"Ceylon Gold tea. Don't add anything to it either." King Paimon stated what he wanted, and you nodded. You quickly headed off to the kitchen to grab a teaset that would match the aesthetic in the garden along with get the tea prepared. While getting the teaset set up on the cart along with the tea, you then quickly checked your schedule again. That's when you realized that your schedule had you in places where King Paimon was most likely to be. King Paimon wanted to keep an eye on you.

Notice: Sorry I haven't been updating this story, I got busy. I will try to continue updating it though!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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