¡Moving in!

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KISS was playing on the radio while the Emerson's all sat in the large car. Sam was reading his Batman #14 while Laddie was asleep on his shoulder. Lucy and her dad were in the front seat looking at the road. And Michael was asleep with Star in the back with an arm around her. Now if you would have asked Sam if it was a good idea to take some girl and a little boy with them to California, who by the way used to be VAMPIRES! He would have said that was the worst idea in the whole world! But then again they didn't have family, they probably were killed by those god damn blood suckers.
But here they are at Lenora Hills. A actual fresh start.



Here they are at their new house. It's big and looks like every other house on the block but it'll do...I guess. "Alright boys lets start getting the boxes out of the car" Lucy said getting out of the car "Sam, Michael wake up Star and Laddie please." Lucy said before she got out of the car with her dad. Sam put his comic down and shook laddie a bit to wake him up. The little boy rubbed his eyes and yawned before blinking his little eyes to open, and he then got out of the car with Star and Michael. Sam sat there in the car looking out the window taking in the unfamiliar environment 'This is going to suck' he thought before taking one big deep breath and then exiting the car to help out his mom,Grandpa,Brother and his brothers girlfriend with the boxes.


It's now 4:30 and they were finally done getting all of their shit from the car well most of it "Sam I left the box with the fine China in the back of the u-haul can you go grab them please?" His mother asked "Why can Michael do it?" "Because he's helping Star unpack her stuff, now go get it please." Sam put the box down and left out the front door.

"Stupid fucking box." He said under his breath. The box was on the verge of breaking if he didn't hold it correctly, while still struggling to correctly and CAREFULLY lift the box a voice spoke to him. "Hey man." Sam turned his head and saw a black kid covered in sweat, and in a basketball uniform on with the number 7 on it "you need any help?" He continued his sentences, Sam didn't know what to say really I mean yeah he needs help but this guy is a stranger! "Uhh Y-Yeah...that would be nice" 'WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT'  The boy smiled before he walked over to him grabbing the box carefully to not break it "Thanks man.." "no problem! So where you from?" "Originally Phenix, then Santa Carla, and now here." Sam rolled his eyes annoyed with the fact he had to move away from his home town. "I take it your not so excited?" The boy said "Nope. Not at all." The boy walking next to him chuckled, just then they made it to Sam's house "Want me to take it inside?" The boy asked "Oh! If it's not any trouble?" "Not at all man!" Sam gave a small smile before he opened the door for the boy.

"Where do I put these?" Lucy heard and the door opened "Oh just on the table there." She heard her son say to the other male voice. When she walked into the kitchen she was fearful that her Son might be talking to an older man but all her worries were immediately washed away when she saw it was a teen boy. Sam's age. "Thanks man." "No problem, if you need anything else I'm literally 2 houses down." Sam nodded his head before he walked the boy out of his house. "New friend?" She asked "Nah he just helped me out with the box." Lucy smiled at her son before giving him a kiss on the forehead, and then headed back to the kitchen to begin dinner.


"So Sam you'll be starting School in a few days." Lucy said while she served his plate "Great..." "And Michael I need you and Star to get a job, it doesn't have to be high paying just something that'll bring money to the table." Michael rolled his eyes and Star smiled, she was excited to get a job! She missed having one, and now that she was able to go outside in the light she has more variety! "Ms. Emerson." Star said "What about Laddie? Will he be able to go to school..." Lucy smiled "of course! But we need to make sure the papers are all filled out before I enroll him, also Star. It's Lucy." Star smiled making a mental to call her Lucy from now on. "And dad." He stopped eating mid bite and looked at his daughter "You need a job to." Grandpa frowned.

Well Sam hopes that his time here will be as less painful and dangerous as the other times.

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