¿The Who?

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The morning sun hit Sam in the face due to his mom opening the blinds. "Sammy I need you to either start unpacking or you can go and look for your comics at this new comic book store." Sam immediately shot up from his pillow and looked at his mom trying to search if she was lying.


"Really!?" Lucy chuckled before she replied with a yes. "I know it's a new environment and your not to thrilled about moving here but I at least want you to have fun" Sam got up from his bed and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before he went in his bag to get his clothes.


After 28 minutes of riding around on his bike he finally found the store! He places his bike on the rack and open the door. He was surprised, the shop was big and had some people already in it. "Welcome to Lenora's Tower Records! Anything particular your looking for?" A girl with short brown hair with bangs appeared next to him. "N-not really just looking around." He gave an awkward smile and she returned it with a genuine one "alright! If you need anything my name is Robin so feel free to ask me! not Dingus over there, he doesn't know shit about comics." When Robin pointed at the guy she was talking about Sam saw an attractive looking man at the counter, he had amazing hair, and his face structure was outstanding. He was Definitely popular in High School. When he went to look back at Robin she was gone... He started walking around exploring the new environment. The store had books,comics,posters,CD's,and records, definitely THE spot to hang out at. He was absolutely thankful that his mom let him go to this amazing place.

Once he was done finding what he needed he went to the register. And to his surprise the attractive man was going to ring him up! "Find everything alright man?" The guy said. Sam felt...nervous? Like how he felt when he met 'The Frog' brothers for the first time...wait...NO he's straight DEFINITELY straight! "Yeah, I did." The guy smiled and then started ringing up his things "Ah I take it your a DC fan?" The older man looked at Sam. He blushed nervously chuckling "U-UH Yeah! I MEAANNN NO! I-" The older man stopped him before he embarrassed himself even more "Dude chill! My friends love this stuff I'm not going to judge." He laughed, this made Sam relax a bit "alright that's $5.70 for the comics,record, and poster." Sam handed him his money and the guy who's name is 'Steve' gave him his bag "Have a good day!" Steve said as Sam walked to the door "You to!" He then left the shop and immediately started petaling to his home with his face flushed red.


When the boy left Steve looked to where he was and saw him immediately leave in a hurry "That poor kid." Robin said walking next to stand by Steve "I know." Steve said "His poor little mind is confused all because of you Dingus!" Robin said while giving him a teasing punch in the shoulder "We should set him up with Will!" Robin gasped "Really that's the first thing you think of? Setting him up with Will Byers?" Steve laughed "But I see where your coming from, they are perfect for each other they both like DC, and records." "Will likes Marvel." "So same thing they are all superheroes." Robin rolled her eyes not even going to try and fight with her idiot ass friend


When Sam made it back home he placed his bike on the grass and immediately ran into the open garage where Mike was working on the car for grandpa "Mike I Have A Question!" Sam said to his older brother "What Sammy." "How did you know you liked Star." Mike turned around and looked at his brother with a smirk on his face and before he could say anything stupid Sam stopped him "Just answer the question.A-AND KEEP IT WITHOUT THE HORNY TEEN BOY SHIT!" Mike rolled his eyes and put down his ranch and picked up the rag to start wiping his hands "I don't know... I guess I felt nervous in a way? I was attracted to her, everything she did made me crazy,I felt sweaty, and I was shaking a bi-" Sam stopped him "DUDE!" "FINE! GEEZ SAM... It's hard to explain, I just wanted to be around her, and when I was I felt like I needed to be cooler than I was so she would like me....but everyone is different Sammy." Before he was about to get his tools again "Have you ever had a crush on a guy who was older?" Michael stopped "Sammy I'm worried about what your asking me. NOT THAT LIKING A GUY! But the fact you said Older man." Sam rolled his eyes annoyed "Just forget it." Sam got up and walked to the door "Sam-" he slammed the door shut as he walked into the house.

'Guess that's what I get for asking a question like that'

He was about to walk up stairs but was stopped by his moms voice "Sam. Meet 'The Wheelers'!" Lucy smiled at her youngest. When Sam looked around the kitchen he seen a woman and her husband with 3 children 1 older girl probably in college , 1 teenage boy his age and 1 little girl with pigtails. Everyone looked at him and Sam felt nervous, but yet he waved at them with a small nervous smile, and the others waved back.

'Who the hells last names is Wheelers'

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