Nick and Larray- confession

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TW: language and mentions of making out (idk)

Nick's pov-

I'm laying in bed and I get a text from Larray it reads: "Can I come over I need to tell you something." I'm nervous what does Larray have to tell me this early in the morning like seriously it's 5:00 am. I sigh and text back saying : "Yeah of course I'll leave the door unlocked just come up to my room when you get here." He reads the text and gives a thumbs up emogi. I go unlock the door and then Larray says he's on his way.

Larray's pov-

On the drive to the sturniolos house I'm so nervous, I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about mine and Matt's kiss. I HAVE to tell nick and I hope he's not mad at me. I really hope so. I pull up to their house and walk inside then lock the door, I go up to Nick's room and we hug when I walk in. "So," he starts,"what's up, is everything good?" I sigh and say, "Please don't be mad Nick, I kissed Matt and it wasn't just a peck it was a full on makeout." Nick's jaw drops to the floor and he looks at me. "Wait so he kissed back," Nick asks. I nod and he opens his mouth to say something. "I think he just kissed back so I wouldn't feel bad," I say. Nick hugs me and smiles then says, "Larry I'm so happy you atleast took your shot, but what if this confuses Matt, he's always had his sexuality as straight." I look at Nick and sigh then I open my mouth to say, "Maybe I should talk to him; I probably should to be honest; but what if he doesn't want to talk to me and he's mad that I kissed him. " Nick looks at me and pulls me to his bed and we both sit down and he hugs me. "Why don't you explain the situation to me and then we can worry about what Matt will do if you try to talk to me," he says.

Nick's pov-

LARRAY AND MATT KISSED?! LARRAY KISSED MATT?! AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE KISSED BACK!!!!! Does this mean Matts gay? Bi? Pansexual? Idk maybe he was just experimenting. But to  be honest Matt's never given me straight dude vibes. Either way I love my brother, and I ship Larry and Matt. ITS MARRY!!!!! I look at Larray and see that he looks so stressed out; I pull him on my bed at tell him to explain everything. He opens his mouth and starts to talk saying, " Ok so after the podcast, Matt went into the kitchen and got a Dr Pepper, he pulled himself up on the counter and drunk his Dr Pepper, this is when I decided to make my move, I take the Dr Pepper out his hands and put it beside him on the counter, I then stand infront of him between his legs, he looked confused; I asked if I could kiss him and he said, Larray you know I'm straight, I leaned in extremely close and his eyes flickered down to my lips, I told him that he nevers knows until he tries it, so he tried it and we kissed for a good 4 minutes, I grabbed onto his waist to pull him closer and then we ended the kiss, he looked at me and I rubbed his thigh and kissed him again this one lasted like 10 seconds." Larry finishes and I'm giggling like a huge fan girl and I'm kind of celebrating. "Larray I don't think Matt kissed you back just to make you not feel bad I think he kissed back because he wanted to and he liked it, he not only made out with you for four minutes but he let you rub his thigh and then kiss him again, whatever Matt feels it's not 100% straight at all, hell it's probably not even 75% straight, you need to talk to him because what you told me he's definitely into you to, and I can promise Matt of all people will not be mad," I say and he smiles brightly and hugs me. The hug lasts for like 20 seconds and Larray smiles, "God Nick you are such a good friend and hope you're right because I really like him, like alot and it's so overwhelming that I'm basically praying that he likes me back," he says and laughs at the praying part. I laugh with him and say, "Damn Larray you must be desperate to go to praying for him to like you back."

Larray's pov-

Me and Nick laugh for quiet a while. But he's right I am desperate for Matt to like me back, I really hope he does. "I've had plenty of crushes before but this feels so much different, it's almost like he makes me happier and I think I bring out the best in him, its almost like we're soulmates," I say to Nick. Nick smiles so brightly and nods before saying, "Its almost like he's more of himself whens he's around you, he's less anxious around you, and I can tell he makes you happy." I'm practically blushing hearing how I make him more of himself, I think I'm truly in love with Matthew Brenard Sturniolo, but I can't bring myself to tell him because I'm so scared, I want him so badly to like me. "I think I calm him down in a way and that makes me like him even more, all I know is that I've liked him since I've known him and I'd be sad if he didn't like me back," I say. Nick smiles and nods, he hugs me and says, "You definitely calm him down and I can tell."

YALL IM SORRY ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE IVE POSTED, I GOT GROUNDED!!! I got ungrounded yesterday so I started on working on this right away. This is not the best but it's the longest page  I've done so far and that's incredible, I'll try to stay ungrounded and I'm sorry for abandoning yall. I love yall and thanks for the support.

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