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Fourteen e déteste les canards mâles

Fourteen e déteste les canards mâles

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That night, she visited the zoo again to check on Treech.

Excitement welled up within her as she anticipated seeing him again, a small smile playing on her lips as she immersed herself in comforting thoughts. Despite knowing she shouldn't be feeling this way, thoughts of a certain boy lingered, causing butterflies beyond her control.

Approaching the zoo, she observed Treech in an unexpected setting, seated with his newfound alliance. Her eyes shifted, noticing Lamina sitting alone.

Mizzen was the first to spot her, nudging Treech, who looked up in her direction as Mizzen subtly gestured.

Upon catching sight of her, Treech's eyes widened. He hastily stood up, drawing the attention of some of the tributes in the process.

"Del! You're okay? I haven't seen you since the bombing!" he exclaimed, his hands poised to reach out, but hesitating mid-air before he retraced them.

"I'm good. Festus and I were standing on the outside; we got lucky. Many others didn't." He nodded in understanding, as he looked around the zoo feeling empty compared to how it was in the beginning. Nine tributes had died before the games had even begun.

With Delyth's legs aching, she opted to sit on the floor, and Treech followed suit.

"I went to the arena, Treech. All the walls have crumbled, and there's a hole in the floor leading to a huge underground tunnel. You can climb and hide now. It changes everything." She told him, his eyes widened at her news, unsure if it counted as cheating or not.

"I'm gonna be fine Bardott, relax" he joked, attempting to look brave, of course, he was extremely nervous about the games, but with his new alliance he felt a lot more promising, his words only trying to relax her as he knew not to arrogant.

"Don't get to full of yourself Treech" she slapped his hand lightly.

The two of them held an intense eye contact before Delyth broke it, hoping the darkness of the night would hide the blush that crept up her face.

Truth be told, the girl had contemplated him extensively. He stirred emotions within her like no one else had. Wrestling with her thoughts, she grappled with the realization that deep down, she acknowledged the depth of her feelings. But her mind pondered the possibility of never discovering what lay between them.

Treech grappled with an internal conflict as well. Initially perceiving her as merely beautiful and possibly stuck-up, he secretly wished his assumptions were accurate, as it would make their situation a lot easier. However, upon discovering her genuine personality, he realized that emotions existed beneath the surface.

Complicating matters for the two individuals who, by societal standards, were not meant to be together.

Her blue eyes sparkled as they met his gaze, her hair consistently radiating beauty. From her elegant movements to her sharp intellect and strategic mind, she showcased an array of admirable qualities, Treech believed she had no faults in his eyes.

"What do you want to do when you're older Teeech?" She asked out of the blue, seemingly unable to keep the eye contact they had.

"Doesn't really matter what I want at this point" he spoke bitterly. "I might not make it to the end of this week" his words held truth as they hung in the air.

Delyth turned her head slightly, indicating she wants a real answer.

He sighed "I want kids, I want five." He confessed, her mouth opened slightly at this as her eyes widened. "I always did... but now when I think about it, I know I wouldn't have kids while the hunger games are around" Delyth nodded, agreeing with his words.

He continued "to be honest, I thought they'd be over by now" he told her.

They probably would be soon if Coriolanus hadn't opened his big fat stupid gob.

"What about you Bardott?"

The girl had never truly thought her future, convinced it was predestined—a marriage with someone she didn't desire, compelled to have an unspecified number of children, and ultimately facing death with the knowledge of a life she never wished for.

"Doesn't really matter what I want either, my life's planned out" she spoke finally.

Despite leading vastly different lives in contrasting circumstances, the two found a surprising ability to relate to each other.

Treech watched as she began to play with the rocks next to her feet, "imagine you're free to do what you want, no parents or hunger games, what would you do?.." his words made her think. What did she want?

"I'd live in the countryside. I always wanted to live in the English or French countryside... before," she gestured with her hands, "you know... I'd live in a nice cottage, not too big, not too small, with two kids and lots of ducks and cats running around." Towards the end of her daydream she got more excited.

Treech observed her with a pleasant smile as she spoke. The way her eyes lit up while discussing her dream life. She'd never considered the future before. Yet, as she spoke, it flowed as if she had been dreaming of it her whole life.

"Ducks and cats don't seem like a good mix to me" Treech finally spoke, joking.

"My ducks and cats would get along" she insisted, her face held a stern look "I'd only have female ducks, I don't like male ducks" she states, her face showing no signs of humour.

"And why could you possible not like male ducks?"

"And why could you possible not like male ducks?"

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