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Coriolanus, laden with his luggage, meticulously made his way towards the train destined for District 2. As he navigated the bustling platform, a sense of determination accompanied him. Just as he reached the train, Commander Hoff, a figure of authority, appeared. Coriolanus, with a crisp salute, acknowledged the commander.

The two fell into a small conversation, until the commanders words halted him.

"Actually, there's been a slight change of plans.."

The silence enveloped the group like a comforting embrace as they stood in awe of the northern landscape. The air was different here, carrying whispers of tranquility that echoed through the vastness. As Delyth's eyes traced the scenery, the realization of reaching the place she had yearned for struck her like a gentle wave.

The simplicity of the north, with its scattered cabins and untouched beauty, resonated with the dreams she had harbored throughout her life. The silence was not an absence of sound but rather a symphony of freedom. This was her escape, her chance to be free from the shackles of the Capitol, and she reveled in the moment, hand in hand with the boy who had become the anchor of her heart.

As they approached the cabins, her eyes drank in the simplicity of the landscape, each cabin representing a possibility for a new beginning. The sparse population mirrored the solitude she craved, and the vibrant green of the grass offered a visual respite from the concrete jungle of the Capitol.

The flowers, blooming in various colors, stirred a sense of hope within her, a hope for a life far removed from the political machinations of the Capitol. The animals roaming freely became symbols of the freedom she longed for. The crops, promising sustenance and self-sufficiency, were like whispers of a serene life that awaited them.

Blossom's eyes locked onto Delyth's, a flood of emotion passing between them. As tears welled in Blossom's eyes, a radiant smile overcame her face. Standing beside Dubois, she couldn't contain her overwhelming joy. A laugh escaped her lips as tears traced down her cheeks.

Without a word, Blossom enveloped Delyth in a tight hug, their laughter mingling with the shared relief and happiness of reaching the place they had longed for. In that moment, words weren't necessary – the tears and laughter spoke volumes, echoing the profound journey they had undertaken together.

Amidst shared hugs within the group, a woman holding a child observed them from a distance. As she made her way toward them, a genuine smile adorned her face, her eyes fixing on Old Finn. It seemed like a moment of recognition or familiarity, adding an unexpected touch to the already emotional scene.

La ballade d'une Ballerine : a Treech fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now